Next Generation

Next generations is a very interesting topic and area of research. How will our children and our children’s children live in the future? How will resources be administered and divided up? What will the everyday working life and family life of future generations be like?  Our specialised keynote speakers try to provide answers to all these questions. When doing so, it is also very important to take a careful look at the topics of environment and sustainability. For future generations will only be assured of having a good life too if our generation, or at the latest one of the forthcoming generations, learns to stop taking more from our planet than it is able to give us. Our keynote speakers would be happy to give talks on these and other aspects of life in the future.

Popular speakers

Ömer Atiker

Entrepreneur, Expert in Digitization and Digital Innovation

Sarah Andrina Schütz

Entrepreneur, Presenter, Coach for Performance Skills & Empowerment Speaker

Prof. Dr. Stefanie A. Schubert

Economist; Public Finance & Applied Game Theory and Expert in Strategy, Collaboration and Negotiation

Rudi Cerne

TV presenter, Event host, Sports expert, Podcaster

Jens Neumann

YouTube Marketing Expert, Video Creator, Digital Marketing, Found of Popgroup „Mr.President (Coco Jamboo)

Mads Faurholt-Jorgensen

Serial entrepreneur and best selling author

Julia Kleine

TV Presenter, Event Host, Podcaster, Sports Scientist

Zak Dychtwald

Founder & CEO of Young China Group

Caroline Bosbach

Federal Chairwoman of the Young Economic Council of Germany, Politician & Author

Klaus Kobjoll

Hotelier & Expert in Business Management

Kristina Lunz

Entrepreneur, Human rights activist, Feminist

Simon Schnetzer

Youth Researcher, Expert Gen Y, Z & Alpha

All speakers

Ömer Atiker

Entrepreneur, Expert in Digitization and Digital Innovation

Peter Baumgartner

Expert in Leadership & Motivation

Jacob Beautemps

Science YouTuber and Researcher

Felix Behm

Expert Generation Z & Book author

Lars Behrendt

Innovator, Influencer & Entrepreneur - CEO Granny&Smith GmbH & Co. KG

Florian Bernschneider

SME Expert, New Work thought leader and Political Expert

Rainer Biesinger

Expert on personal Change, Heavy Metal-Speaker, Author

Caroline Bosbach

Federal Chairwoman of the Young Economic Council of Germany, Politician & Author

Nicole Brandes

Expert for Future-oriented Leadership, Thought Thinker, Member of the Future Institute Europe, Author

Nena Brockhaus

Business Journalist & Political Expert

Gib Bulloch

Social Intrapreneur, Corporate Insurgent, Author and Storyteller

Dr. Steffi Burkhart

Expert New Work, Gen Y, Z & Gen Alpha, Change & Talent Management

Rudi Cerne

TV presenter, Event host, Sports expert, Podcaster

Henry Coutinho-Mason

Trend Expert & Innovation Strategist

Johnny Earle AKA. Johnny Cupcakes

America’s #1 young entrepreneur, founder of Johnny Cupcakes

Jess de Jesus de Pinho Pinhal

Philosopher, Expert on Artificial Intelligence & Technology

Jeremy Denisty

Co-founder @ Imagin3 Studio, Author & Digital Innovation Advisor

Aric Dromi

Digital Philosopher, Futurologist, Geopolitician, Environmental and Social strategist

Prof. Dr. Thomas Druyen

Futurologist, Sociologist, Scientist, Author & Publicist

Zak Dychtwald

Founder & CEO of Young China Group