Artificial Intelligence / Robotics

Keynote speaker & experts on new technologies, artificial intelligence, generative AI & robotics

Artificial intelligence (AI), in particular the applications of various tools such as ChatGPT, is currently revolutionising many areas of our lives.

AI systems make it possible to automate complex tasks, leading to significant efficiency gains and cost reductions in the economy. New technologies and advances in robotics are complementing this development by finding applications in industry, healthcare and even the home. This transformation is having a profound impact on society by changing work processes and creating new occupational fields. At the same time, there is a need for further training and retraining as traditional jobs are threatened by automation.

We have to learn to integrate the opportunities offered by AI tools into companies, as this is the only way to make companies fit for the future. Be it in HR when recruiting new talent, automating processes, in the education system through AI-supported learning platforms, in customer support or in data analysis and forecasting.

Also worth mentioning here is Metaverse, which represents an exciting extension of the digital world. Here, users can interact, work, play and communicate. AI-controlled avatars serve as assistants, while virtual classrooms and training environments enable effective learning. The metaverse thus opens up numerous new opportunities and challenges for society, the world of work and our future.

The impact on the future is double-edged: on the one hand, these technologies offer immense opportunities for prosperity and quality of life; on the other hand, ethical issues and social inequalities must be addressed. Overall, the integration of AI and robotics is shaping our future at a rapid pace and presents both opportunities and challenges that we need to address.

Here you will find keynote speaker and experts whose expertise in AI, generative AI, Large Language Systems, ChatGPT technology and robotics makes them sought-after experts for presentations and workshops.

Popular speakers

Dr. Daniel Stelter

Macro Economist, Author, Expert on Economics & Finance

Frank Thelen

Founder, Investor, Expert for technology & innovation

Friska Wirya

Expert for Change, Transformation & Leadership

Nick Bostrom

Director of the Future of Humanity Institute Oxford University

Maks Giordano

Generative Artificial Intelligence-Expert, Digital Strategist & Innovator

Lars Tvede

Serial Entrepreneur & Global Marketing Guru

Edgar Perez

Global Expert on Innovation, Artificial Intelligence & Disruptive Technologies

Ralf Schumacher

Former German Formula 1 driver, Entrepreneur, TV Expert

Gerriet Danz

Expert for Innovation & Creativity

Lars Hamberg

Expert in Finance & global Banking, New Technologies & Distribution

Prof. Dr. Dietrich Grönemeyer

Physician, Radiologist, Bestselling Author & Back-Expert

Dr. Léa Steinacker

Expert on AI & Ethics, Business & Environment, Social scientist & Bestselling author

All speakers


Expert in Music Industry

Dr. Frank Arnold

Expert for Transformation, Strategy & Leadership

Ömer Atiker

Entrepreneur, Expert in Digitization and Digital Innovation

Chris Barton

Founder & Creator of Shazam, Entrepreneur, Inventor & Tech Investor

Christian Baudis

Internet-Expert, Former CEO Google Germany, Futurist, Digital Entrepreneur

Jacob Beautemps

Science YouTuber and Researcher

Jan Bechler

Successful online entrepreneur and founder from Hamburg, Germany

Lars Behrendt

Innovator, Influencer & Entrepreneur - CEO Granny&Smith GmbH & Co. KG

Martin Bell

Thought Leader, Company Builder & Global Startup Advisor

Jan Berger

Foresight Professional, Founder, Mentor

Florian Bernschneider

SME Expert, New Work thought leader and Political Expert

Nick Bostrom

Director of the Future of Humanity Institute Oxford University

Dr. Matthias Brendel

AI & Sustainability Entrepreneur, Innovator, Leadership expert in Corporate & Startup world

Professor Arturo Bris

Professor of Finance IMD Lausanne, Director of the World Competitiveness Center

Peter Cochrane

Futurist, Expert in Technology and the Future of Change in Corporations, Individuals and Society

Tim Cortinovis

Thought leader on the topic of AI & business

Henry Coutinho-Mason

Trend Expert & Innovation Strategist

Dietmar Dahmen

Rock Star on Stage - Disrupter, Gamechanger, Innovator & Motivator

Gerriet Danz

Expert for Innovation & Creativity

Tania de Jong

Expert on Innovation, Creativity & Collaboration