Tim Cortinovis is a globally recognised author, keynote speaker and presenter on AI and sales.
The current technological developments are gigantic. They are creating unprecedented opportunities for companies. However, the flood of innovations is also unsettling and makes it difficult to maintain an overview. Tim Cortinovis sorts this out for you and opens the window to these exciting universes with his keynote speech. Full of energy, he will show you in concrete terms how you can benefit from AI, robotics and metaverse and how you can inspire your team to embrace change.
Tim Cortinovis offers inspiring talks and keynotes (live, virtual, hybrid or metaverse) in German, English and Spanish to help companies and organisations achieve outstanding results with events. He brings the ideal blend of authenticity, inspiring energy, customised insights and practical application to any audience size. Realisation orientation is a matter of course.
Tim Cortinovis presentation topics
Grow exponentially with ChatGPT, Midjourney and other AI tools
- The most successful use cases for ChatGPT & Co – Find the best application for your company
- How to switch on the turbo for your company with AI and grow 10x faster than the market
- How to benefit from the developments of the future and achieve pole position
A Digital Sales Mindset: Successful in the digital world
- What customers really want today and how to rethink digital sales
- The 3 steps to success in digital sales for sustainable growth
- Which digital tools really work and how best to use them
How sales will work in the future
- What digital customer language with AI will look like in the future
- What a company needs for successful digital sales
- Success factor automation as the basis for competitiveness and a competitive edge
Other exciting topics from Tim Cortinovis include Sales automation, Digital mindset for successful sales, Digitalisation of sales processes, Robotic process automation, Growth hacking.
Tim Cortinovis provides answers, inspires and challenges. Participants love his energetic way of storytelling. His references include well-known companies such as Siemens, Avaya, Arvato, ING and e.on.