
Celebrities are often seen as the pole stars around which society revolves. Whether they are politicians, top athletes or musicians – these people exert a magical attraction on the rest of us. In the constant glare of the media and the public, their lives are spot-lit from all angles. These are always special people: politicians, entrepreneurs, musicians, sportspeople, scientists, motivational experts and adventurers who influence our daily lives and shape the way in which we see the world. Among those listed here are many prestigious German personalities, as well as celebrities from all over the globe.

Popular speakers

Nena Brockhaus

Business Journalist & Political Expert

Mario Basler

Former professional footballer, football legend & TV moderator

Kati Wilhelm

Most successful biathlete of all time - Entrepreneur

Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg

Founder & CEO Spitzberg & Partners, New York

Ronald Rauhe

Olympic & World Champion, ZDF expert, Author & one of the most successful German athletes of all time

Thorsten Fink

Football coach & Expert on leadership, team dynamics and motivation

Urs Meier

Former FIFA Referee, Football-Expert & Entrepreneur

Joschka Fischer

Former Minister of Foreign Affairs & Vice Chancellor, Germany

Sigmar Gabriel

Former Minister for Foreign Affairs Germany & Vice Chancellor

Wolfgang Bosbach

Member of the German Bundestag 1994 - 2017, Lawyer, a brilliant Speaker & Analyst

Anders Fogh Rasmussen

Prime Minister of Danmark (2001 - 2009), Secretary General of NATO (2009 - 2014)

Dr. Gerhard Conrad

International Security Expert - Islamic Studies & BND Intelligence Service

All speakers


Expert in Music Industry

Natalie Amiri

Journalist, Moderator ARD-Weltspiegel, Expert on Iran & Orient, Author

Maximilian Arnold

Professional football player - Captain of VfL Wolfsburg

Ali Aslan

Internationally known TV & conference presenter

Jana Azizi

TV and Event Presenter & Communications Expert

Markus Babbel

Football expert

José Manuel Barroso

President of the European Commission (2004-2014)

Mario Basler

Former professional footballer, football legend & TV moderator

Daniela Baumann

Entrepreneur & Founder of "LOFT1" Poledance Studios

Timo Baumgartl

Professional football player FC Schalke 04

Felix Baumgartner

Explorer & Skydiver

Boris Becker

Tennis Legend, Commentator, Businessman & Coach

David Beckham

One of the Most Famous Footballers in the World

Evelyne Binsack

Mountaineer, Explorer & Author

Tim Borowski

Ex-professional Footballer, Coach, Sports Business & TV Expert

Wolfgang Bosbach

Member of the German Bundestag 1994 - 2017, Lawyer, a brilliant Speaker & Analyst

Prof. Dr. Ingo Bott

Criminal defence lawyer, Lawyer, Book author, Lecturer, Podcaster

Julius Brink

Presenter, Olympic gold medallist & Beach Volleyball expert, Podcaster

Nena Brockhaus

Business Journalist & Political Expert

Chris Brow

Presenter, Musician, Performer & Entertainer