Alain Sutter holds exciting lectures in which he talks about his life as a former top sportsman or talks about the title of his first book ‘Stressfrei Glücklich sein’ and shows what it takes in top sports, in the working world or in everyday life.
What are the core subjects of your keynote speaches?
stressmanagement, optimising performance, health, burn out prevention, Leadership, motivation
Which audience or which branch do you reach with your speech?
Everybody should have a good stressmanagement, because we all have big challenges in live. It would help handeling daily live much better.
Why are you a Premium Speaker? Where do you get your insights from?
As a former professional sportsman, I was always searching to optimize my performance, this became my passion which has accompanied me for the last 28 years now. During this time I learned a lot, but experienced even more. This has prompted me to do training in coaching. In 2013, I decided to open my own coaching practice and to publish my book “Stressfrei glücklich sein”. I also held stressfree weeks and seminars in Mallorca. And out of all all these experiences, I publisehd my second book, “Herzensangelegenheit” November 2016.
What will be in the future? Does "time" play an important role in your work?
Soft factors such as “reputation”, “culture” or “values” will increasingly determine the competitiveness and attractiveness of companies and individuals. A holistic and systemic Reputation Management provides long-term competitive advantages and protects against crises and sustainable reputational damages.
What is your life motto? What would you like to give your listeners on the way?
In my lectures, I would like to encourage people to think, to inspire them and to show that the more joy, enthusiasm and passion they have in their lives, the more they can enjoy it and as a side effect of this inner attitude they become even more powerful.
"Life consists of pure moments, do not forget the present ones. (Jorge Luis Borges)"