Anna Kopp – the “5 Premium Speakers Questions”

24. April 2024 – Mandy Weinand

Anna Kopp, Chief Information Officer (CIO) at Microsoft Germany, is working intensively on the future of work. What does the modern leadership culture look like? In her daily work, she researches how work practices and leadership will develop in the modern world and beyond.

Microsoft has undergone a comprehensive transformation of its work culture in recent years. The company has set new standards, particularly in Germany, with the introduction of trust-based working hours and places of work, which give employees the freedom to decide when and where they work.

However, this change has necessitated a profound cultural shift. In her presentations, Anna Kopp talks about the challenges and opportunities this change brings and what we can all learn from it. She also talks about the importance of flexibility and trust in modern working environments and invites us to explore the benefits of this new approach as we continue to adapt to changing working patterns.

Interview with Anna Kopp:

1. What are the core subjects of your keynote speeches?

Anna Kopp:

Digital transformation, new work, and the impact of AI in the workplace.

My audiences are often surprised that I speak 80% about people and culture change when I cover digital transformation. Digital Transformation is people, culture, workforce, process and leadership change so much more than it is about technology. If leadership does not change, the company and its workforce will not change either, and I talk about concrete steps and areas to transform, where to start and how to prioritize.

Change is complex and hard, but it starts with a first step just like any other journey.

2. Which audiance or which branch do you reach with your speech?

Anna Kopp:

Any industry that is going through digital transformation. I heard so many times: we are different. But everyone is on a journey to stay competitive in their respective industry or branch. If you do not reinvent yourself and your business, someone else will. Of the Fortune 500 companies from 1955, only 11% are still around today. 89% did not make it. I explain with many clear and concrete examples across different industries why some prospered and why some disappeared.

3. Are you a PREMIUM SPEAKER? Where do you get your insights from?

Anna Kopp:

My premium qualities stem from my personality. It takes both courage to be authentic and honest and not come across as artificial. Today, no matter what insights you are transferring to the audience, people want to hear real people speak, who bring the good the bad and the ugly.

My superpower is that I read the audience, it is not about me getting through my content, but to ensure the audience leaves taking with them a good feeling it was well spent time. I get my insights from my job in the technology sector and engaging with business decision makers, and most importantly, I listen.

4. What will be in the future? Does «time» play an important role in your work?

Anna Kopp:

Time to be plays a role in modern work, in that I believe we do not have time, we make time. Automatization and AI, as well as flexible work models, can provide a relief to society. I believe in the scandinavian work week, and I believe that we need to consider what acceleration does to mental health.

Technology can help better our lives, it can make things more convenient for some, and make things possible for others, eg. people with disabilities. I am an ambassador for and work to land the messaging of AI with humans in the loop, for good of our planet and for the people.

5. Tell us your life motto? What do you want to give your listeners to take with them?

Anna Kopp:

I have 2 business mottos:

Get the basics right, I know this sounds boring, but:

“Start with the foundation before innovation.” and
“Transformation is not a hobby. It is an investment area.” – I think someone created a meme on that!

My life motto is:

“Our day will come, Life is short, do not waste it longing for something far in the future.”

I look back on my day every night and think about why today was a good day, and I practice thankfulness for the privilege I have of living a good life.

Anna Kopp

Thought Leader in Digital Transformation, Artificial Intelligence & Women in Tech