Between bits, threats and global security: Europe’s challenges for a secure future

31. July 2024 – Mandy Weinand

In our interconnected world, global security faces complex challenges that go far beyond traditional military threats. Europe, as one of the most important players on the international stage, must rise to these challenges. Stability and security must be guaranteed both within its borders and worldwide.

But how far do the dimensions go to ensure global security? What roles do the internet and intelligence services play? What roles do cyber security and cyber risks play?

Europe’s fight for global security

Global security encompasses a broad spectrum of risks, ranging from geopolitical tensions and international conflicts to terrorism, environmental disasters and pandemics. Europe is particularly threatened by the following global risks:

  1. Geopolitical tensions: Conflicts in regions such as the Middle East, Eastern Europe and the South China Sea have the potential to impact Europe, whether through refugee flows, economic instability or direct military threats.
  2. Terrorism: Despite progress in the fight against terrorism, the threat from terrorist organizations such as the Islamic State or Al-Qaeda remains. These groups can endanger Europe through both physical attacks and cyberterrorism.
  3. Climate change: Environmental disasters exacerbated by climate change can cause global migration movements, resource scarcity and political instability that also affect Europe.

Connected world: Internet, intelligence services and cyber risks

Digitalization has revolutionized the way we live and work, but it also poses significant security risks. Intelligence agencies and state actors are using the internet to gather and disseminate information, creating new security challenges.

  1. Cyber risks: Cyber attacks on critical infrastructure, businesses and government institutions are on the rise. These attacks can be carried out by state-sponsored hackers or criminal groups and have the potential to cause significant damage.
  2. Fake news and disinformation: Intelligence agencies and state actors use social media and other digital platforms to spread disinformation and influence political processes. This can lead to social unrest and political instability.

Possible scenarios and solutions

Europe-wide and global strategies must be developed to counter the risks mentioned. Possible scenarios and solutions include:

  1. Strengthening international cooperation: Europe must work closely with international partners to effectively combat global security threats. This includes cooperation in the areas of intelligence, military defense and diplomacy.
  2. Increasing cyber resilience: Investment in cyber security is crucial to defend against cyber attacks. Europe should invest in the development of advanced technologies and the training of cyber security experts.
  3. Combating disinformation: Governments and technology companies must work together to develop strategies to prevent the spread of fake news and strengthen digital information security. This can be achieved by promoting media literacy and regulating social media.
  4. Climate protection measures: To minimize the effects of climate change, European countries must take ambitious climate protection measures and support global environmental initiatives.

Cyber warriors and climate protectors: Europe’s fight for global security

Global and international security is facing unprecedented challenges that require coordinated action and innovative solutions. Europe has a central role to play in addressing these challenges and must take proactive measures to address both traditional and digital threats. Through international cooperation, strengthening cyber security and combating disinformation, Europe can help create a safer and more stable world.

Our speakers are experts in the field of cybersecurity, global security and possible future scenarios. Their presentations are informative, clearly explained and show different perspectives.

Dr. Gerhard Conrad – expert for international security, Islamic scholar & BND intelligence service

In his lectures, he takes a critical look at the German security architecture and international cooperation between intelligence services. But he also looks back at the origins and transformations of terrorist perpetrators and groups.

Thomas Köhler – sought-after expert for digital future trends, mobility, cyberrisk & cybersecurity

He tracks down developments and trends, knows how companies can protect themselves against industrial espionage and is familiar with the risks and opportunities of the internet, big data and social media.

Peter Hacker – Global expert for cyber security, cybercrime, risk management & digital revolution

“Cybercrime is a ticking time bomb” – How well prepared are you for cyberattacks?

Would you like to find out more or book one of our experts to speak at your event? Contact us: 1 (704) 804 1054 or

Dr. Gerhard Conrad

International Security Expert - Islamic Studies & BND Intelligence Service

Thomas R. Köhler

Expert in digital Trends of the Future & Cyberrisk/Cybercrime, Entrepreneur, Author

Peter Hacker

Global Expert on Cybercrime, Risk Management, Cybersecurity & Digital Revolution