Business philosopher Anders Indset on the world of tomorrow.
We need a new philosophy of life!
Also referred to by the media as “Rock’n’Roll Plato” or “Digital Jesus,” Top Speaker Anders Indset inspires, provokes, and maintains executives around the world.
The world today is so strange, he says in a loud voice, facing his audience. The auditorium is filled to the last seat. “I have no idea what to tell my daughters what the world will look like in ten or even five years.” The daring-looking giant with a mane, braid and beard walks across the stage and almost shouts. Because what he says is important to him. He talks about new stories that we urgently need, about a new philosophy of life. About reflection, because these times are so unsteady and because we have no idea what to be expected.
Anders Indset talks about change, about trying something new, becoming a story-maker.
“You guys in the front row in your designer ties,” he shouts. “Go out again and pee against the wind! Do something crazy, try something new! Although it sometimes gets uncomfortable. There is always a solution!”
Anders Indset awakens, shakes us up, encourages us to reflect: about our own behavior, about the world in which we live and, above all, how we perceive it. Despite artificial intelligence, automation and algorithms that increasingly determine our lives. The business world is also concerned with humans, is his message.
Anders Indset speaks of vulnerability as a birthplace of innovation. He speaks of allowing feelings, showing oneself. He calls for time to think again in our life and not let the flood of information take us for a ride. “Take time to think again! I want us to retain the power to make decisions about change. So far, thanks to our control, we have always been able to tame the new technologies. But now it is no longer just about artificial intelligence. It is about the development of an artificial consciousness. “He is convinced that only together and through more time for reflection change will be possible.
Anders Indset describes an insecure society
His question is this: how should we act now? He sees an overburdened information society in which everything becomes a crisis – from the global financial crisis and European refugee crisis to the education, childcare and care crisis. Anders Indset describes an insecure society that relies more and more on new technologies and artificial intelligence algorithms in its search for answers: “But it’s dangerous to trust algorithms to our fate,” says the business philosopher, who just published his new book “Quantum Economy – What comes after digitization? “.
But to be honest: Anders Indset is best live. He is so full of power – and certainly makes you think. Inquiries under