Dietmar Dahmen – The creative Visionary

09. December 2015 – Katharina Schlangenotto

Indeed, rather simple but when it comes to the implementation one recognizes that the requirements which stand behind are complex. He is a doer. I’ve read so many things about him: He is a rock star, he is energetic, always on the fast lane, his presentations are epic and awesome, he opens up new horizons – and so on. And yes, I can absolutely agree on all these quotes. The presentations are a thrilling experience and one wonders how Lintas (where he was Strategic Planner) or BBDO (he hold the position as Chief Creative Officer and Managing Director) succeed in nowadays business without him.

Today Dietmar Dahmen works as freelance creative consultant for mainly international companies, is co-owner of the eco platform “Earthback” in Berlin and acts as Chief Innovation Officer with the digital full service company “”.

With his presentations and speeches he invites the audience into theme worlds like “What is the customer journey of 2020?” and “How do we reach consumers in the modern world?” We are all ultra-connected and arrived in the “always on” era. And this is what Dietmar Dahmen makes so clear. Almost needless to say that he does this in a very dynamic and charismatic way. Impressive.

A man who never seems to be lacking of power is – of course – member of numerous Boards and Associations. Among others he is Chairman of the Board of Advisors at “Media Head” in Zurich and Member of the Board of Advisors “Summit NYC” in New York.

And how about his background? He studied Economy, Film and Psychology in Germany and the US. Born in Germany, he now lives with his family in Vienna. That means he lives in Vienna when he is not “on tour”.

Oh, after all I guess this is not a surprise: With tongue in cheek he describes himself as “King of Marketing”. And people like to say that he is a “digital wolf”.

Dietmar Dahmen

Disrupter, Gamechanger, Innovator & Motivator