Journalist & Presenter SRF Club, Expert on China

Barbara Lüthi is a journalist and presenter of the SRF Club.

Barbara Lüthi reported from China for Swiss television between 2006 and February 2014. She realized stories on China that let the viewer look behind the facade of the Shanghai skyline. In 2008, CNN honored her for a report on dispossessed farmers and named Barbara Lüthi Journalist of the Year in the German-speaking world.

After a language study trip to Sydney, the Zurich native began her career with her own talk show on the private station Star TV. She then moved to TV3 as a video journalist. From 2001, Barbara Lüthi worked for the political and business magazine “Rundschau”. In 2005, she won the “CNN Journalist Award” for the report “Toy Factory” about working conditions in Chinese toy factories. She currently hosts the magazine “Der Club” on Swiss television.

With her profound first-hand knowledge, Barbara Lüthi is a much sought-after speaker at events and seminars. With an unbiased view and many years of experience, Barbara Lüthi describes in her exciting lectures how politics, economics, war and social life in foreign cultures go hand in hand.

Barbara Lüthi lecture topics:

  • CHINA – Between awakening and censorship authority

China is an economic world power and a book with seven seals for many. We have already become accustomed to some areas of globalization. China is an economic world power and a book with seven seals for many. In her lecture Barbara Lüthi presents backgrounds for the economic successes and at the same time enormous social and environmental problems, establishes connections and reports on the everyday life in Chinese reality.

  • The Old Burma Road: Road of Globalization

In the past, traders, soldiers and smugglers used the Old Burma Road. Today, the World War II supply route again plays an important geopolitical role for China, Myanmar and India. Especially at the border between China and Burma, one can see the new importance of this old route…. For China, Burma provides access to raw materials and the sea. Already today, a pipeline bringing Burmese oil to Kumning runs directly along the “Burma Road”. Much comes across the border illegally in the other direction – jade, tropical timber and opium. Once the small border crossing between China and Myanmar becomes a multi-lane highway, China’s southernmost province will be connected to the oil rigs and ports on the Bay of Bengal and at the gates of rival India. With Myanma opening, the missing piece of the puzzle is back in place and Asia is recalling its old trade routes. No one can afford to ignore Asia.

  • Guan Xi – Networking in Chinese

What is the significance of cooperation, alliances and networks in Chinese culture and economy? How do they manifest and prove themselves in everyday life? What could we possibly learn from them and transfer to our circumstances? With colorful examples from concrete Chinese life, Barbara Lüthi presents an insight into Chinese culture and the hot topic of “networking”.

On October 1, 2014, Barbara Lüthi’s book “LIVE AUS CHINA – Mein Leben im Reich der Mitte” was published. Exciting stories reflect the fascination, but also the concern about a country that has kept the China correspondent of Swiss television in suspense for more than a decade.

  • What are China’s strengths, weaknesses and challenges?
  • Is China a superpower that can take responsibility for the global order?
  • A critical look at a country whose economic rise no one foresaw.

Exciting – Authentic – Vivid – Pure Goosebumps!

In 2005 she was awarded for a reportage about child trafficking at the Greek-Albanian border. Barbara Lüthi was born in Zurich in 1973 and currently lives in Zurich with her two children. Barbara Lüthi can be booked EXCLUSIVELY with Premium Speakers.