Dr. Bodo Antonić was born as a German-Austrian-Croatian Persian into a culture of a changing perspectives. Fascinated by the unexpected discovery of the small in the big, he has been researching human nature and its free development possibilities for years. As restructuring Interimsmanager, recognized speaker and advisor he made it his business to open the view far beyond the economical edge of plate.
As interim manager he is called when things get hot in the company and transformation becomes concrete. Bodo Antonić enthusiastically contributes to the unleashing of organizations by showing outdated structures, obstructive dogmas and superfluous rules of the game and, if necessary, eliminating them completely. His credo is: “Against the cement in the head – no fear to change”. Beside his research and work as a manager, the passionate apnea diver and owner of a marketing & sales consultancy holds a teaching position in business management, sales management and innovation management.
What are the core subjects of your keynote speeches?
How do I change companies und employees? How do I innovate/restructure companies and employees? How do I create a culture which is innovation and performance driven? Digitalization in life science industry – opportunities and hurdles
Which audience or which branch do you reach with your speech?
Management overall, especially life science sector.
Why are you a Premium Speaker? Where do you get your insights from?
Because I am an active manager and entrepreneur myself, despite my scientific background. Because I not only talk quickly, but I also analyse and think quickly, because I walk my talk every day, because I read and do a lot of research, think even more and check everything continuously in practice, because I have been giving lectures for decades, because I have an intercultural background like hardly anybody else, because I have the courage to call out loud.
What will be in the future? Does 'time' play an important role in your work?
Continuous, wonderful change expressing nature, life, evolution, lively mind.
What is your life motto? What would you like to give your listeners on the way?
Change is fun, change is life itself; but change is also a process that can and must be tackled in a structured way.
""Spirit wants to hover, not be in chains." "