Europe in a New World Order

09. November 2022 – Mandy Weinand

Futurologists deal in the broadest sense with topics of the future, of change, of transformation. What will be in 10 or 15 years? What technological innovations, economic changes but also perspectives are in store for us? The fact is: the world IS changing. Read the article by the futurologists from Themis Foresight:

There are signs of a new world order around the world. What are these signals and what opportunities do they present for European businesses?

European companies are feeling the effects of the Russian war in Ukraine and many are looking ahead to the coming winter with concern. The rise in energy prices is eroding the profits needed for new investment and global political instability is affecting the ability of companies to secure knowledge and raw materials as well as test markets outside Europe.

The rise of China is being felt in Europe, as it is around the world. While the common narrative is that the world is increasingly facing a Cold War-like confrontation between China and the US, at Themis Foresight we believe the geopolitical landscape is more complex. The Cold War narrative is of limited use when it comes to anticipating the future of global politics and trade. From the perspective of German industry, an economic conflict with China would be detrimental. Germany’s most important export partner in 2021 was the USA with a volume of EUR 122 billion, followed by China with EUR 104 billion. Germany imported goods worth EUR 142 billion from China. An dritter Stelle liegen, im Vergleich zu China schon etwas abgeschlagen, die USA mit einem Volumen von 72 Mrd. EUR. Incremental innovation and deep penetration of Asian markets are in many cases still the dominant business model of European industrial giants. However, with this model, the EU is increasingly falling behind in terms of innovation and technological performance.

Themis Foresight argues that we are moving towards a new world order.

Three main elements of this new world order are diverging superpower interests, a growing relative strength of middle powers, and the increasing separation of political and economic interests. Today, the EU is at risk of relinquishing its global political and economic position, which would lead to a major economic downturn, political instability and the brain and business drain. However, we believe that these newly converging political and economic regions offer the EU an opportunity. If the new regional dynamics are used wisely, the EU can bridge the technological knowledge gap it currently faces. To do so, the EU must build new relationships with countries and conclude agreements that decouple political and economic interests.

In the face of this new world order, it is important to find out where the room for manoeuvre for companies can be restricted or expanded. What are new regional power blocs that need to be included in future considerations? What means and possibilities are there to counteract long-term negative effects? And what opportunities are there in this new situation to secure the business of European companies in the long term?

Jan Berger (DE, EN) or Siv Helen Hesjedal (EN) will offer answers to the questions companies are facing today.

Possible topics of the speakers:

  • Europe in a new world order
  • European technological competitiveness and a new world order
  • Navigating a new world order: risks and opportunities
  • Scenarios for the European economy
  • Regio-globalisation and opportunities for the European economy

Are you looking for a speaker on the New World Order, the future in Europe, globalisation and the economy? Would you like to know more about the researchers of Themis Foresight and their projects and studies?

Feel free to contact us: 55 66 440

Jan Berger

Founder & CEO Think Tank Themis Foresight, Futurist

Siv Helen Hesjedal
