Felix Plötz – the “5-Premium-Speakers-Questions”

25. May 2018 – Patricia Zoller

The succesful founder and entrepreneur Felix Plötz is a lateral thinker and instigator. Creativity, Courage and the “just do it” spirit of start-ups should in his opinion also have a place in established companies. His lectures and books shake things up, inspire people and encourage them.


What are the core subjects of your keynote speeches?

Felix Plötz:

Digitisation, Employee Motivation, Entrepreneurial Spirit, Innovation, Intrapreneurship

Which audience or which branch do you reach with your speech?

Felix Plötz:

My lectures bring creativity, courage and the “just do it” spirit of start-ups back into big companies and the established economy. Independent from specific industries, some audiences are rather small (e.g. high level management meetings), others are pretty large (e.g. the graduation ceremony of the Handwerkskammer Stuttgart with more than 2.500 spectators).

Why are you a Premium Speaker? Where do you get your insights from?

Felix Plötz:

I have founded and sold several start-ups. In 2015 I co-founded “Plötz & Betzholz” as Germany’s first social influencer publishing house. It is backed by a radical, digital business model, which was awarded the Wildcard of the Frankfurt Book Fair. 6 months later, “Plötz & Betzholz” was taken over by the Ullstein publishing group. My current book “Das 4-Stunden-Startup” has been on the bestseller lists for more than 21 months and is already one of the best-selling business books in Germany. Among other accolades, it has been dubbed a “SPIEGEL financial bestseller”, “Manager magazine bestseller” as well as a “Handelsblatt bestseller”.

What will be in the future? Does 'time' play an important role in your work?

Felix Plötz:

In times of ever-accelerating external change, everyone is talking about digitisation. But interestingly only a few people have understood that there is an existential need for action. And what exactly needs to be done seems to be rather a closed book. Entrepreneurial spirit is not rocket science: it’s realistically feasible. For every company. What it takes, however, is the courage to question oneself – one’s business models, way of thinking and inner attitude.

What is your life motto? What would you like to give your listeners on the way?

Felix Plötz:

Courage is the beginning of an action, but chance is the master of the end – Democritus

Felix Plötz

Business Thinker, Entrepreneur and Author