Global Business Network with Premium Insights
The global network of Premium Speakers with experts and pioneers from business, politics, technology, artificial intelligence and leadership.
As a Premium Speakers customer, you gain access to an exceptional network of experts. Through us, you can invite the experts for workshops, lectures and interactive meetings to explore and discuss new trends and alternative future perspectives.
Our experts offer direct support, especially in times of crisis, be it in presentations, personal meetings with CEOs and board members, exclusive workshops or behind-closed-doors discussions. Discreetly and, if desired, with Chatham House Rule.
Top topics such as scenario planning, leadership, use of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, future planning, strategy planning, decision-making for small and large projects, international health issues, global economic issues and geopolitics.
We support you in planning for the future and today we introduce you to important personalities and experts, who will be happy to provide you with advice and support.
Inma Martinez – Digital Pioneer and “Elected Chairwoman G7 / OECD Agency for Development and Cooperation in the field of AI. Inma Martinez is a global leader in artificial intelligence and data management. Inma Martinez is an advisor to business leaders and governments on digital transformation as a competitive advantage and social progress.
Arturo Bris – CEO of the World Competitiveness Center and Professor of Finance at IMD Lausanne. He is one of the most important experts in the globally networked world of business and finance.
Benjamin Bargetzi – Neuroscientist and Global Lead Future Technologies at the World Economic Forum WEF. He is a globally sought-after expert in change management and future-oriented thinking. He has become internationally renowned for his unique combination of neuroscientific research with principles from digitalization, transformation and artificial intelligence.
Thomas H. Zurbuchen – Astrophysicist, Head of Space ETH Zurich. Thomas H. Zurbuchen was the longest-serving head of NASA’s Science Division, the world’s leading program for science in and from space, from October 2016 to 2022.
Jonathan Brill – Jonathan Brill is the world’s leading futurist according to Forbes and the world’s leading transformation architect according to Harvard Business Review.
Edward McMullen – Political strategist, former US ambassador to Switzerland, diplomat. Edward McMullen is a member of the board of the Swiss American Foundation and a trustee of the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C.
Renée Mauborgne – Author Blue Ocean Strategy. Renée Mauborgne is The INSEAD Distinguished Fellow and Professor of Strategy at INSEAD, one of the world’s leading business schools. She is also Co-Director of the INSEAD Blue Ocean Strategy Institute. Together with her colleague Chan Kim, she has been named the No. 1 management thinker by Thinkers50.
Andreas Krebs – Global Leadership Expert. Andreas Krebs is an entrepreneur, investor, author and was Chairman of Merz KGaA until fall 2019.
Seize the opportunity for yourself and your company. Our Global Business Network offers you premium insights with the smartest personalities in the world. We look forward to hearing from you.