The Business-Philosopher prepares companies and people for tomorrow’s world. He encourages personal and organizational change with enthusiasm and passion. Doing so, he will always stress personal responsibility and self-determination. He is living and working according to the motto: “The only efficient revolution is the one taking place within yourself.” His first book came out at Springer in 2018: „The future mindset. Strategies for being in the game tomorrow.”
What are the core subjects of your keynote speeches?
For over 15 years, I have supported companies and their leaders in their development. Whether in leadership or in organizational development, the mental attitude is crucial. That’s why I’ve made “Mindset” my life’s topic! Today, we live in a time that requires completely new solutions, forms of cooperation and leadership due to the exorbitantly fast pace of development. That’s what I talk about that in my keynotes.
Which audience or which branch do you reach with your speech?
I reach corporate clients from small and medium-sized companies as well as corporations. Wherever the wind of change is blowing and companies, leaders, managers and employees have to re-position themselves, the overriding question is the following: With what mental attitude are they doing this? In my experience, being aware of one’s own attitudes, perspectives and ways of thinking helps a lot to position oneself in order to still be in the game tomorrow: as a company, as a responsible person, as a role model and simply as a human being.
Why are you a Premium Speaker? Where do you get your insights from?
The content of my talks is based on 15 years of personal experience as an executive mentor and in the development of organizations. In addition, there are best practice examples of companies that have mastered change successfully as well as the latest scientific findings for personal development from neurosciences to positive psychology.
What will be in the future? Does 'time' play an important role in your work?
We are living in an incredibly exciting time that will bring us surprising advances: autonomous driving, air taxis, control of apps and computers through thought power, technical innovations especially in the areas of mobility and health, 3D printing, robotics and artificial intelligence. These developments can inspire or cause discomfort. It is very important to realize that it is still our own responsibility to deal with these developments. In my view, we need a new enlightenment, a new humanism, to shape the future in an active and self-determined way.
What is your life motto? What would you like to give your listeners on the way?
“If it’s got to be, it’s up to me.” We humans spend our time too often complaining about conditions, politics, our company, the developments of our time. If we would spend that time actively participating in shaping change, we could achieve quite different outcomes: economically, politically and socially. That’s why the best investment is in our personal development and in a positive, life-affirming and proactive attitude. My life motto is therefore
"The only effective revolution is the one that takes place within yourself."