Michel Fornasier – the man with the Hightech hand
If he ad a wish, he once said, he would like to be a bird of prey. Then, he could admire the world from above and let himself drift in the arms of the wind to Australia, the favourite spot on his bucket-list.
Meeting Michel Fornasier is somewhat surprising. You wouldn’t have any idea of him being disabled. He says: “Have you ever seen a light so lighthearted and free? If you have ever seen one, then you have seen me! “The man is spoiled by the joy of life, and thus attracts almost everyone around him.
High-tech for everyday life
Since 2014 he has a little helper on his side, a kind of medical robot that is a big support and relief to him in everyday life. It is a bionic hand prosthesis model called “iLimb Ultra Revolution” which is the latest on the market. It has changed his life from scratch. “When I got it, it was one of the most emotional moments of my life,” he remembers. That is why he wants to make people lose their sense of aversion. And above all, he wants to bring people with and without disabilities together and closer to each other.
He himself never felt ashamed of his handicap and was fortunately never bullied at school. Nevertheless, there was always the urge to hide his arm or at least not to draw attention to it before other the people. He never wanted to be the center of attention because of his missing arm and certainly not being pitied. His fate has never hindered him and he tells his audience that this is because of the positive attitude towards life that his parents taught him. He has learned to accept things as they are – and also to be grateful and happy.
A life without restrictions – it so works!
Well, not entirely, perhaps, but Michel Fornasier always refused to restrict himself. Rather, he developed his own techniques: neither did he miss any sport lessons, nor did he renounce climbing and drumming. “It’s also possible with a cane, which I have attached to the right forearm with adhesive tape.” He has learned: somehow there is always a way, even if it can be difficult and only be reached with a lot of bite and perseverance.
The independence and freedom that he enjoys ever since he has received his hightech hand sometimes seems unreal. Especially because he had to fight so hard for his freedom before. Shaking hands, for example, even with his right hand, no longer worries him today.
There will be great achievements in medical roboting in the future, he is convinced. It is a personal concern to increase the awareness level of this and other tools to support the handicapped. He aims to reach as many people as possible to make them understand that such a tool can bring so much more joy and comfort to life.
In his lectures, he talks about IT & Digital, motivation & success strategies, health and life sciences. He tells his story and encourages others – also people without disabilities – to take courage and believe in the impossible. He does it without effort, it’s just his so very positive, contagious nature.
Find out more about Michel Fornasier and call us or write an email to: michel.fornasier@premium-speakers.com