Expert in Communication & Rhetorik. RESPECT!


René Borbonus discovered his passion for language early: since training as a banking specialist, he has immersed himself in the theory and practice of persuasive communication. Early steps included activities as a wedding speaker, presenter and speechwriter.

After an instructive period working in advertising and public relations at a large financial institution, he opted to study for degrees in German language and literature, politics and psychology. He launched his actual career in further training and development in 1997.


Today, René Borbonus is one of the leading specialists in professional communications in the German-speaking world. As a communications trainer, author, coach and speaker, he occupies the interface between theory and practice, and masters like no other the art of uniting objectivity and enthusiasm in speech without notes as well as discussion.

In his professional capacity, he guides business leaders, entrepreneurs and other public figures on the path to their public presence. Whether in his star-studded training sessions, one-to-one coaching sessions with members of parliament and business representatives or within the framework of teaching assignments and lectures at prestigious universities – René Borbonus teaches rhetorical skills in a fresh, entertaining and practice-oriented manner.


His objective is not to lecture, but rather guide individuals on the journey to discover things within themselves. He describes it thus: “I see myself as a sparring partner. Whether in general rhetorical training or target-oriented preparation for specific situations – credibility is the highest priority and a direct result of the speaker’s genuineness.”

He does not try to restrict his clients to a prescriptive way of speaking, but aims to minimise weaknesses and reinforce strengths – true to the principle that every speaker has an individual profile.