Kevin Lötscher, a former Swiss national ice hockey player, suffered a tragic fate after a promising start to his career. On May 9, 2011, as a 23-year-old, he scored two goals in a World Championship game against the USA, which opened up potential opportunities for him in the NHL. But just five days later, his budding career was cut short by a serious accident when he was hit by a drunk driver and suffered a severe traumatic brain injury. Despite the adversity, Lötscher fought his way back onto the ice, but had to realize that he would not be able to repeat his earlier performances. After retiring from professional sport, Lötscher overcame a difficult period in his life and began to share his inspiring story of overcoming personal setbacks.
Kevin Lötscher in an interview
1. What are the core subjects of your keynote speeches?
My presentation tells of my stroke of fate from “I am living my dream” to “hard disk erased” or in other words “From Hero to Zero”. I put the importance of core topics such as forgiveness, acceptance, processing, letting go and personal success into the context of every person’s life.
It’s about mental health. Clearly and without ifs and buts!
- When it suddenly feels like the ground is being pulled out from under our feet:
- How do I deal with it?
- What role does the support of family and friends play?
- What are the benefits of talking to experienced people?
- And what does believing in yourself do?
I believe that it is very important to have a goal in life and to have fun and enjoy yourself on the way there and to be happy and satisfied with yourself!
Because you are the playmaker – you decide what happens next!
2. Which audiance or which branch do you reach with your speech?
Preferably all of them! (laughs) But the fact is that I’m currently mainly appearing in companies, at customer or employee events, with my story and my message.
Where people are (still) searching for their personal success. Or people who want to change something and be satisfied.
That’s why every industry is welcome to me in principle, because wherever there are people, there is potential to raise awareness of SORGHA!
3. Are you a PREMIUM SPEAKER? Where do you get your insights from?
I am a Premium Speaker because I want to carry my message even further into the world. I talk about my personal experiences and what they have done to me. A true authentic story that is thought-provoking, inspiring and motivating.
Clear. Authentic. Genuine.
4. What will be in the future? Does «time» play an important role in your work?
I am of the opinion that time does not play a major role. Because the way I live and the topics that accompany me from stage to stage will always exist: Dealing with challenges or strokes of fate will still be the same in 20 years’ time as it is today. The decisive factor is that each person decides for themselves HOW they deal with it.
And I generally don’t worry much about the future anyway. Because if I concentrate on being a good person in the here and now, say thank you and please, just do the little things well, i.e. help others, greet each other and radiate positive vibes. All of this gives me confidence that the future can only be good. So “no”, I don’t have the feeling that time plays a role in my profession.
5. Tell us your life motto? What do you want to give your listeners to take with them?
My motto is: Deich dra, Sorg ha!
I believe that in every single phase of life, issues such as the climate, waste, etc. have to do with your relationship with yourself above all else: just take care! Because I have had to experience this in a radical way, how important it is to take care of yourself. Because if you’re not happy with your life, it’s only half as much fun, if at all!
Therefore: Deich dra, Sorg ha!