Marcus Lauk – The Health Philosopher
Old as the hills and in rude health – living a fulfilled life for 100 years
Marcus Lauk, born in 1974, is a travelling explorer for health, author, tutor and speaker. He studied nutrition science as well as prevention & health management. Since 2006 he is a tutor at the renowned University of Applied Sciences for Prevention and Health Management.
“How can we give our life more years while giving our years more life?”
This question and many more questions regarding a fulfilled life are the center of Marcus’ scientific work for more than a decade. On a round-the-world trip which took him two years, Marcus explored the life of the healthiest and therefore oldest people in the world. He travelled and did research in four different regions in the world, where – verifiable – people get significantly older than elsewhere in the world. He visited the island Okinawa in Japan, the island Sardinia in Italy, Loma Linda in California and the small island Ikaria in Greece.
“How can I live a fulfilled life for 100 years or even more?”
The results of his round-the-world trip to the world champions of age Marcus presents in exciting speeches and seminars. A long, healthy and fulfilled life is not the result of a short-term diet or jogging once in a month. If you want to live long and healthy you have to accept some rules. During his lecture Marcus takes the audience with him on his exciting round-the-world journey with surprising insights. He presents his holistic health concept, which has an additional benefit for the audience and which is realizable immediately.
Take aways for the audience
- Learning from the champions of health.
- Which areas do influence my health?
- 1 hour jogging or 20 minutes functional training – what is more effective?
- Why workplace health promotion is a success story for every Company.
- No one-way dogmatism of health, but holistic suggestions how to live a healthy life.
Book Marcus Lauk for
- Inspiring keynotes (up to 90 minutes)
- Motivational and sustainable day seminars (up to 8 hours)
Ideally for kick-off events for workplace health promotions, internal company events to sensitize the employees for the importance of health or for customer events to show the customers your perfect appreciation.