Sandra Stöckli is a young (Swiss), highly motivated handbike athlete with ambitious goals. Handbike? That’s nothing more than a recumbent bike for wheelchair users.

Ambitious goal? Sandra Stöckli’s goal, after the Rio de Janeiro 2016 Summer Paralympic Games – at which she came home with an Olympic diploma – is the Tokyo 2020 Summer Paralympic Games, which took place in 2021. There, Sandra Stöckli was not only present, but was able to compete at the very top.

Sandra Stöckli wins the overall World Cup 2022

What Sandra Stöckli offers you? A young, motivated athlete who has fought her way back into life after an accident.

After Tokyo 2021, Sandra Stöckli is ready to walk (drive) the stony and hard road to the next Olympic Games 2024 in Paris and to take the risk “top-class sport”.

Sandra Stöckli has been a paraplegic since the age of 14 and is confined to a wheelchair. After her school time she started a commercial administration apprenticeship at the municipality of Jona, which she successfully completed after three years. She then worked for almost 10 years at the land registry of the newly merged town of Rapperswil-Jona. Up to and including 2013, Sandra Stöckli was on the road with her racing wheelchair on the athletics fields of this world. A broken rib and the subsequent search for an alternative training method brought Sandra Stöckli to the handbike. There she competed in her first race in 2014. In 2015, she decided to fully commit to the sport and she has been on the road in her handbike ever since. Be it in Switzerland, Europe or all over the world. Sandra Stöckli’s most extraordinary cycling tour she completed in 2019, cycling over 1,000 kilometers in 10 days, across Oman.

Book Sandra Stöckli as a speaker

Top-class sport has a lot of parallels with business and life in business. There are many ups and downs. Setbacks, which can/must be transformed into positive energy to come back even stronger from a low. Investments must be made first before you can “harvest”. The organization as well as the planning are the A and O in this process. In between, you also have to dare something. Do something unconventional and stand up to people who disagree with you. Always knowing that you don’t know if it’s right or wrong. The only constant is change, and if you stand still, you don’t move forward.

Clear and open communication is just as important at Sandra Stöckli. Only if people in the team communicate honestly and are also open to criticism can they benefit from each other. At Sandra Stöckli, this is just as true in sports as it is in business.