Peter Holzer graduated from the European Business School (Oestrich-Winkel, D) and studied business administration in Auckland (New Zealand) and Chicago (USA). He is entrepreneurially active for two decades. After completing his studies, he was Managing Director of a private equity fund. At the height of his success a disease threatened not only his life but also his voice. This experience led him to leave the financial sector and to venture a complete restart.

Since 2009, he accompanied management boards and executives to execute strategy and find shortcuts to success. His clients include DAX companies such as Allianz and Continental, as well as ambitious SMEs. Besides his work as a consultant and keynote speaker, he is a lecturer at the Business School of the St. Gallen Management Institute. Peter Holzer lives with his wife and son in Cologne.

His Keynotes

Difficult Messages. Remaining con dent under pressure.

Challenging negotiations, missed sales targets, warnings, or a conversation with an adolescent teenager. Difficult messages are a part of everyday life – both professionally and personally.

Very few people enjoy delivering bad news.
It is not enjoyable for the person delivering the message or for the recipient. Most people find it particularly difficult when the recipient of the message also has a dominant personality. How can we stay out of the ring line – while still presenting the message confidently? How do we remain confident in a conversation while under pressure? This lecture will give you concrete answers that are both sound and entertaining. Based on an analysis of more than 6,500 team situations, Peter Holzer reveals the invisible code of dominance, power, and charisma.

Modern nomads. Successfully managing Change.

The old days are over – and they will never come again. But the future can be better for you than ever before. It is your choice. How do I lead in times of extreme change? While remaining as relaxed – and as successful – as possible?

Humans are modern nomads. They have always been on the move. Yet where should this journey lead? Why do we get up every morning and drive to work? Why should I change? Is it because I enjoy spending time with colleagues? The opportunity to achieve something? A quest for power? The company’s objectives? An inspiring boss? Or does it just come down to money?

Many of us simply don’t know. In addition, many companies get in their own way when it comes
to finding an answer, because they mistake compliance for commitment. And they rely too much on strength of leadership rather than leadership personality. Employees exist in a place void of meaning. What they need is a horizon.

Status, Power, and Influence. Successful leadership – leading teams to win.

Entrepreneurs and managers around the
world agree that good communication is more important than ever, especially in times of radical change and in highly competitive markets. Good communication creates credibility and trust.
Too little trust leads to unnecessary tensions
and is the largest cost factor of all – not just for companies, but in all organizations.

Things get especially critical when we come under pressure. And these days, pressure
comes from many directions: from competitors, customers, colleagues, bosses, and family members. Before long, unpleasant discussions are on the agenda. When that happens, we quickly resort to power. Although power can be helpful in some cases, in many situations it would be wiser to use influence.

Power and influence have a lot to do with our actual behavior. Yet what does it mean to behave “wisely?” How do I come across as powerful to others? And what can I do to lead people through influence instead?

Based on an analysis of more than 6,500 team situations, you will learn how to remain con dent when it matters. Be surprised by an exciting
and entertaining journey through power and influence – and the personal influence you have on others.


  • Refreshing common-sense in a complex world
  • Effective practical insights for immediate use
  • Provocative yet inspiring challenges to find new perspectives