Medical doctor, author and Internet-Doc Specialist for internal medicine and cardiology, Internet-Doctor “Dr. Heart“

Dr. Stefan Waller is a medical doctor, specialized in internal medicine and cardiology and ”internet-doc“ by passion. During his medical career he not only performed a lot of cardiac
catheter examinations but furthermore experienced the limitations of our medical system, which focusses too much on ”repairing” rather than preventing disease.

Dr. Stefan Waller aka “Dr. Heart“ Dr. Stefan Waller counters this trend: In short and easy understandable videoclips, without complicated medical terms he spreads valuable information about the big blog busters of heart disease and about a „heart-healthy-lifestyle“ via his Dr. Heart-website, his youtube-channel, on facebook or at last with his new advice book “Der Dr. Heart Herz-Coach“.
The interested viewer not only learns why in some german counties twice as much people die of a heart attack but also finds an answer to the question on how and when to restart sexual activity
after a heart attack. ”Dr. Heart” is convinced, that only profound understanding of the own Body and its diseases and the willingness to take on responsibility for the own wellbeing can lead to a
long lasting healthy and happy life.

Beyond that he is on the move as a speaker and moderator on diverse events and discussion
rounds in the health field, especially if it is about his favorite topics ”heart-healthy lifestyle“ or the
impact and potential of digitalization for our health systems.

Speech Topics of Stefan Waller

  • Digitalization in medicine
  • Healthy lifestyle including
  • Health and nutrition
  • Sports and nutrition
  • Stressmanagement
  • Motivation and change-management