Tanja Frieden – The “5 Premium Speakers Questions”

22. July 2024 – Mandy Weinand

Tanja Frieden is a former Swiss snowboarder who made a name for herself with her victory in snowboard cross at the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin.

In a dramatic final, she overtook the fallen American Lindsey Jacobellis and secured the gold medal, which was one of the most memorable moments of the Games.

After retiring from active sport, Tanja Frieden found a new vocation. Today, she works as an energy and transformation coach, helping people to find their inner balance and master personal change processes. With her experience as a top athlete and her positive attitude to life, she helps her clients to overcome mental blocks and realise their full potential. Tanja Frieden combines her knowledge of sport with spiritual and holistic approaches to enable sustainable transformations. Her work inspires many to lead a more conscious and fulfilling life.

Tanja Frieden in an interview:

1. What are the core subjects of your keynote speeches?

Tanja Frieden:

  • With ease and passion to success; Honesty towards yourself and your own energy resources; Performing without burning out
  • Insights into her career as a top athlete and founder of the Friedensacademy
  • Transformation, energy work and subtlety in business
  • Getting blocked energies flowing; Differentiating between performance and behavioural goals
  • Moving from thinking to feeling; There is no motivation – only right or wrong goals
  • Clarify your “what for,” not your “why!”
  • Why big goals are really important!
  • Deleting fears and limitations as information from our cells helps to become more relaxed
  • Letting go of your own limitations and increasing your frequency – your state of mind depends on your frequency and energies
  • What is intuition and what can we use it for?

2. Which audiance or which branch do you reach with your speech?

Tanja Frieden:

I support high achievers (influential networkers) to rediscover their inner leadership, deal with fatigue and unleash their uniqueness by connecting with something bigger. My talks are aimed at people who are already successful at the highest level but are looking for inner fulfilment.

I work with:

  • famous people
  • people in the public eye
  • executives
  • project managers
  • artists
  • athletes
  • industry and business

3. Are you a PREMIUM SPEAKER? Where do you get your insights from?

Tanja Frieden:

I am a premium speaker because I share my unique experiences as an Olympic champion, my deep knowledge of energy work and transformation, and my passionate approach to personal growth and success. My talks are characterised by my bicultural background (Norway and Switzerland) and my deep connection to nature and subtlety. I combine goal work with the release of limitations and the healing of ancient issues in the neurological system.

15 years of top-class sport versus 15 years of energy work: with the Friedensacademy I accompany several hundred people as an energy and transformation coach.

My career as an top athlete and founder of the Friedensacademy has taught me to release blocked energies, overcome structural dependencies and achieve big goals with a clear “what for”.

My mission is to support people to live authentically and fulfilling in their zone of genius and thus have a positive impact on the world.

4. What will be in the future? Does «time» play an important role in your work?

Tanja Frieden:

I see the future as an exciting opportunity for growth and transformation. With my Friedensacademy, I want to support people around the world in discovering and living in their zone of genius to promote personal success and a more peaceful world.

Time is of the essence, because I firmly believe that great change is possible in a short time. At the same time, I know that sustainable success requires continuous effort and commitment.

My mission is to share the knowledge of rapid, transformative change while promoting long-term consistency and steady growth.

5. Tell us your life motto? What do you want to give your listeners to take with them?

Tanja Frieden:

My motto in life is:

“Live in your zone of genius and use your intuition.”

I would like to tell the audience that it is essential to be honest with yourself and to courageously follow your own path. Listen to your intuition, utilise your unique talents and use them with passion.

This is the only way to live a truly fulfilling and authentic life and bring great things into the world. When everyone lives what they are really here for, the world becomes a little more peaceful.

Tanja Frieden

Expert for energy & transformation, Olympic champion, former Swiss snowboarder