Ultratrail runner and graduated Sports Scientist with a Master in Sport-Psychology and Sports - Rehabilitation of the German Sports University Cologne

Therefore Anne-Marie Flammersfeld ran 1000 kilometers through the driest (Atacama), windiest (Gobi), hottest (Sahara) and coldest (Antarctica) desert on earth. Each race of this multi-stage-event had a distance of 250 kilometers. Since then she has been constantly looking for new sporting challenges in competition and in her own projects.

Since 2013 she is on her way with her project “Bottom Up Climbs” and conquers the highest mountains of a country from the lowest point – all by own muscle power and without mechanical support. Since 2014, she has specialized in the “Volcanic 7 Summits” and has traveled to Asia (Iran), Africa (Tanzania), North America (Mexico) and South America (Chile) already to cycle from the lowest point in the country and to reach the highest volcano in hiking boots. Anne-Marie Flammersfeld recently climbed the highest volcano in Europe in May 2019 in Sicily and ran from the sea the distance of 38 kilometers and 3300 vertical meters to the upper crater rim in less then 8 hours.

In 2015, she was able to set a new female German speed-run world record on Kilimanjaro. She managed the 4100 positive vertical meters from the “Umbwe Gate” at 1800m to the summit of the highest mountain in Africa at 5895m in 8 hours 32 minutes (almost 3 hours faster than the previous record).

In addition, Anne-Marie Flammersfeld holds other course records for example a “The North Pole”, and “Volcanomarathon”.

The 1978 born German athlete works with her own company “all mountain fitness” as a personal coach in the Swiss mountain village St. Moritz. Anne-Marie Flammersfeld coaches people in active training, mental training and writes training plans. She is currently studying a bachelor’s degree in psychology at distance university in Hagen in order to combine sports with the psyche in her coaching.

As as Keynote speaker she holds regular lectures on topics motivation, enthusiasm and overcome limits. For the running magazine “Active Laufen” she works as a freelance as a specialist author. Anne-Marie Flammersfeld is the honorary president of the running event “Engadiner Sommerlauf” – a two-day summer event with over 2400 participants in St. Moritz.

With her projects and competitions Anne-Marie Flammersfeld supports the foundation “Paulchen Esperanza”, which supports disadvantaged children in emerging countries such as Tanzania, Argentina and Sri Lanka.

Lecture by Anne-Marie Flammersfeld:

“Think Big – With enthusiasm, it runs `s”

How can you manage to run 1000 kilometers through the four largest deserts of the world in one year and then win all four as the first woman in the world? In 2012, Anne-Marie made history in the extreme competition “Racing the Planet 4 Deserts”, in which she ran 250 kilometers through the driest, hottest, windiest and coldest desert in the world. For such a one-year project, it takes enormous endurance, patience, ambition, motivation and a unique power that keeps you going. However, according to Anne-Marie Flammersfeld, such a workload is only possible if you can feel real joy. The enthusiasm must come from within, then you are able to achieve great things.

For the participants:

Motivation: How do you manage to motivate yourself during 1.5 years and never lose sight of your goal? What can you learn from the lows and how much can the highs inspire? Can you also over-motivate yourself and how does the environment react to the endless training?

Mental training: The head is the crucial engine, the feet do not stop on their own. They carry you wherever you want! With the right attitude, crises can also be used positively. Which techniques help to stay mindful? One motto is: “Only those who know themselves well can act in a calm and reasonable manner, even in difficult situations. Pack what you need in your backpack. Pack the most important thing. But leave room for something new! ”

Training planning and the parallels to everyday life:
Every desert has its own history and in every race Anne-Marie Flammersfeld was able to explore and experience many parallels to everyday life and work:
Always give 100%; never become negligent; Crises come and crises go; always strengthen your own strengths.