Experte für Verkauf, Kundenorientierung & Motivation

And probably ‘some’ have a point. But that’s exactly what distinguishes Daniel Enz. Always in a suit and red sneakers, armed with boxing gloves and clown noses, he manages to convey important core messages, whether in the seminar room or on the big stage.

Daniel Enz comments: “The worst thing is when a sales trainer & speaker with probably 20 years of sales experience brags about examples from the sales Stone Age. The laurel effect lures with the comfort of not having to change anything in his lectures. Moreover, I would not be credible if I did not exemplify what I communicate myself. Steady Training Beats IntelligENCE. Through my work as a trainer, I myself learn something new from the participants every day and thus continue to develop – because, as we all know, change is the only constant in life.”

Thanks to his broad sales experience in diverse industries, Daniel Enz is able to draw parallels to different business sectors in his lectures and sales trainings.

“My luck is that I moved from textiles to the tourism industry, then to finance and later to the media industry. I’ve always been on the front lines, I’ve always sold something, and today I can relate those experiences in numerous, true examples.”

Sustainable sales training is characterized by its high practical content. Daniel Enz warns, “We go live – and with real customers!” With his young and dynamic manner, he has already inspired hundreds of thousands of people in his lectures & sales training sessions with well-known customers in Germany, Austria, Italy and Switzerland. He is one of the TOP 100 trainers in the D/A/CH region.

Book Daniel Enz as a sales expert

Lectures Daniel Enz – the one with the red shoes

  • The generation customer consultant 3.0 – A lecture about customer orientation, closing power and recognizing buying signals. What is the difference between advising and selling? Both are important, with emphasis on BOTH. This is about emotional selling with heart and soul (and pen).
  • The born salesperson. Myth or Truth – All of life is a sales process – constantly we are in negotiating situations, whether business or personal. The one who sells better, wins. But do they really exist – the salespeople with the innate closing genes or can successful selling be learned?
  • The price makes sweat – “Much too expensive!” or “But we have to go down with the price already…. !!!” The constant price discussion drives some salesmen thick sweat beads on the forehead. They avoid price negotiations like the devil avoids holy water. But how relevant is the price really?
  • Valued customer, you can kiss my ass – What do customers really buy? And why is it important that salespeople not only know the USP’s, but also your own value center? A talk about true customer orientation and appreciation on a long-term roadmap.

Daniel Enz is available for lectures, as well as workshops and trainings!