Dr. Stefan Wachtel is TED talker, executive coach and book author. His topic is effect in special executive situations. Because:
Stefan Wachtel: Beyond the Expert Mode – The Authenticity Paradox
Stefan Wachtel has a doctorate in speech science – after four years of full-time training in speech and conversation didactics. Initially he was a speech teacher at a theater and reciter of Brecht’s poems. After an escape from the GDR he was the youngest trainer of the ARD/ZDF further education and TV speaker. Seven years of TV and radio presenter coaching; three years crisis announcement training for Lufthansa pilots.
His lecture topics:
- THE TARGET SET PRINCIPLE. Arguing with the power of the funnel: “Reversed Pyramid”
- EXECUTIVE MODE. Switching to personal impact
- THE ART OF THE AUTHENTIC. Ways to the right film
Today he is one of the “Leading Coaches of the World”®. He trains top people for appearances such as TED talks, DLD, Noah and similar conferences. which enable them to make their point effectively, like himself. In German and English.
Furthermore, he is also the laudator of the “Best Managerial Appearance” award (most recently for CEOs of SAP and Deutsche Telekom), and founder of the “Funnel Conference” in Cannes. He wrote ten books and three publications in “Harvard BusinessManager”. Stefan Wachtel has his own “Executive Briefing Podcast” at Gabor Steingart/Media Pioneer.
“There are not many people who are as efficient in bringing top managers to the forefront of their impact as Stefan Wachtel” – says BILANZ.
And the Focus: “One of the gurus in the executive floors”.
The Süddeutsche Zeitung called him the “puppet master of the bosses”.
You would like to book Dr. Stefan Wachtel as executives coach or as a speaker for your event? Ask us without obligation: stefan-wachtel@premium-speakers.com.