Roman F. Szeliga: Ambassador of Humor – The charismatic communication professional for lectures, seminars and moderations.
Dr. Roman F. Szeliga is a doctor and manager, moderator, seminar leader, lecturer and author. The bracket that holds all this together is humor: as a social competence that is able to motivate, carry away and lead people. Learn from Top-100 Keynote Speaker Roman F. Szeliga, one of the most charismatic speakers of our time.
His medical-psychological background knowledge, paired with comedic stage talent and many years of moderation and management experience, quickly made him one of the most sought-after communication professionals in the business world. As co-founder of CliniClowns, internist Dr. Roman F. Szeliga recognized the enormous potential of humor as a form of therapy as early as the 1990s. Now he has been using his know-how with great success in business for several years. His stage performance is rousing, moving and motivating.
Roman F. Szeliga: First comes humor, then comes fun.
As a word acrobat with depth, he is not only immensely entertaining, but also knows how to stimulate sustainable information transfer. He surprises with creative examples, original ideas and versatile impulses.
Dr. Roman F. Szeliga is a charismatic personality on and off the stage. For him, the term He walks the talk hits the bull’s eye and his message hits the heart. He is considered THE enthusiastic testimonial for more joy, lightness and well-being both at work and in private life. He is convinced: ‘Humor is the best complement to competence. Humor is not just an achievement of the mind, humor is a way of life!’
His interactive experiential lectures have been attended by well over 100’000 people to date, and around 320 well-known companies are on his client list. It is not without reason that Roman Szeliga is one of the best speakers in the German-speaking world. In 2013 he was awarded the ‘Top Speaker of the Year – Award’ by the renowned magazine TRAiNiNG.
Speech topics Roman Szeliga
‘Humor in Business’ -the enthusiasm tool in business – contagious, rousing, productive! “You will laugh it’s serious!”
Humor is one of our scarcest, yet most valuable resources. Nothing connects people more than a shared laugh. Laughter is the best medicine and thus the antidote to the seriousness of life. Good humor is always serious, and it also demonstrates the highest level of social competence. And: Laughing sometimes brings more than thinking. The symbiosis of these is the secret of success for enthusiastic companies.
“Frustration protection means” – How you manage to find everything half as bad or twice as good!
A rousing lecture that encourages a charming change of perspective without following a raised forefinger. It is about the emotional tastes humor, joy and lightness in our professional and private lives.
A firework of ideas with stories, initiatives and suggestions for a new way of thinking about success in a turbulent time. The doctor of your confidence delivers healing impulses for our daily communication, emotional “dabs”, humorous “ointments” and sometimes also small, pointed “needles”, which hit the nerve of the time. A sympathetic plea to master (professional) life with ease, using fun as a turbo drive.
“Morbus Digitalis” – technology made progress, people made the difference! A charming plea for joy, humor and lightness in a digital world.
Digitalization is absolutely necessary to promote smart growth and further develop our economy based on knowledge and innovation. If we want to fully exploit the economic potential in Europe, we need, on the one hand, reliable entrepreneurs who see digitization as an opportunity and, on the other hand, the space for personal, emotional communication that generates trust and closeness.