Sebastian Decker is Managing Director of EVOLVE Digital, TEDx speaker and trainer at the Google Future Lab.
He is a sought-after expert for data-driven online marketing, the development and optimization of online stores as well as the recording of the customer journey and focus on customer centricity. He is booked as a speaker, consultant and trainer by renowned companies and agencies (DHL, DURST Group, Reiseland, Clever Fit, etc.). Sebastian Decker gives guest lectures at various colleges and universities. His analyses are razor-sharp, to the point and easy to understand.
Sebastian Decker: “SMEs and our large-scale industry have highly efficient production, but highly wasteful sales. The digitalization of sales processes is the key to success here.”
Dr. Sebastian Decker enables companies to use their own data more effectively and to tap into the data of internet companies (Google, Facebook, Tik Tok, YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram and others) and use it for their own benefit and that of their customers. In his presentations, he shows how digital sales processes can help not only to generate leads and increase sales, but also to make customers and sales staff happier.
Sebastian Decker Lecture topics
- Retail Growth Strategy
How can retail transform itself to generate millions in online sales and tap into new target groups?
From stationary food retail (local retail) to profitable online retail. In this format, Dr. Sebastian Decker offers crystal-clear guidance on what you need to tackle in your industry and in what order in order to generate millions in online sales with your products in the next 3 years.
- Become a local hero
How to ideally combine online and offline to become the top dog in the region.
The POS (point of sale) is losing frequency in many sectors. In addition, many people come into the store to get advice, but then buy online. In this presentation, Sebastian Decker shares absolutely concrete measures on how to use online to cost-effectively increase the number of visitors in-store and, above all, to achieve sales there.
- E-Commerce trends and levers of the future
What are the measures that work for you now and in the future?
Performance marketing, algorithms, AI, big data, gamification, VR, AR – all terms you’ve heard before. But what really matters for your growth in e-commerce? Sebastian Decker decodes the digital strategies of the growth winners and hidden champions from the field for you and works with you to define exactly what will be relevant, important and profitable for you.
Sebastian Decker is the author of several specialist books and host of the well-known DOKTOR SHOP podcast. Together with his team, he supports online stores that have the goal of growing exponentially and quickly, but above all profitably, building a brand and increasing their own brand awareness. His presentations are a firework of concrete insights from daily practice. He reveals eye-opening insights from over 200 online store projects and 8-digit advertising budgets that he manages with EVOLVE Digital.
In his presentations and workshops, Sebastian Decker decodes the digital strategies of the big players and hidden champions and breaks them down to the most important components of success. His presentations are eye-opening, inspiring and entertaining with their surprising anecdotes. He enlightens and sometimes even sticks his thumb into wounds in such a well-dosed way that it sometimes hurts.
The customer journey – Time travel with Sebastian Decker
Go on a journey through time with Sebastian Decker. Keynote speeches, workshops and support in the transformation phases of your company in online sales. Get fit for the challenges of the future, because the constant changes in buying behavior and the demands of your customers mean that the demands on your teams are growing every day.
Time travel into the future of advertising – how social media, algorithms and data will change our advertising and how you can use them profitably for your company
- Buying addresses is the Stone Age: How Google, Facebook and co. create online user profiles and how you can access them
- What self-driving cars have in common with the advertising of the future
- How operational marketing tasks will be taken over by artificial intelligence and machines in the future
- Why your company should start marketing itself online NOW at the latest and what the first steps could be
Time travel into the future of sales – why your sales department wastes 90% of its resources and how you can change this with digital technologies
- Why companies are wasting incredible resources in sales today
- Why your sales staff will thank you if they become more digital
- Online recipes for success: Which digital strategies are possible for every company
- How to tap into the data of the big internet companies and use it for yourself
Time travel into the future of consumption – how artificial intelligence, the internet and online retail are changing our expectations of companies and their services
- E-commerce boom: Why more and more people are buying online and what this means for your company
- Decision-making 2.0: How conscious purchasing decisions are made today
- Zero Moment of Truth: Why your customers know better than you and how you can control their decision to choose your company
- Enthusiasm marketing: 3 recipes to inspire your customers and become the market leader in your field
- Reviews: Afraid of fake reviews? What you should do to protect yourself.
Website or online store: Exactly what they should do to attract the ideal customers of the future.
User profiles are used again and again by performance marketing agencies. Almost all participants in his workshops say that they sometimes feel they are being listened to or watched by Google, Meta, Alexa and co. The fact is: algorithms influence the formation of opinion. And – we no longer live in an Internet where we determine 100% of the information we receive. Artificial intelligence determines the machines – not us.
EVOLVE Digital – Online & Performance Marketing
With proven recipes for success, Sebastian Decker uses cutting-edge online marketing methods to combat wasted resources in marketing and sales. His presentations leave you motivated and with complete clarity as to which opportunities and measures you should take to successfully position your company and sales for the digital future.
Sebastian Decker broke off his career in the chemical industry at a BASF subsidiary in 2017. Even at a young age, the chemist (Dr. rer. nat. Technical Chemistry) and economist (B.Sc.) holds a doctorate. Sebastian Decker is a man of numbers and a scientist and thus stands for factual knowledge and transparency.
Today, Dr. Sebastian Decker is an entrepreneur and one of the few trainers at the Google Future Lab. He is the owner of his own performance marketing agency “EVOLVE Digital”. He loves being on stage or in the workshop room and passing on his knowledge. His mission is to enable companies to build scalable customer production machines via the Internet.