Dr. Thomas Ramge thinks and writes at the crossroads of technology, economy, and society. His keynotes on transformation by tech are fact-based and entertaining, grounded in science and eye-opening.

Thomas has published more than 15 non-fiction books, including ‘Dimming the sun: How geoengineering can save humanity from climate catastrophe’, Who’s afraid of AI?, Augmented Intelligence, Reinventing Capitalism in the Age of Big Data and Access Rules (both co-authored with Prof. Dr. Viktor Mayer-Schönberger) and The Global Economy as You’ve Never Seen it. His essays and long-reads are being published in the German business magazine brand eins, The Economist, Harvard Business Review, MIT Sloan Management Review and Foreign Affairs.

Thomas Ramge Lecture topics:

  • Dimming the sun: How geoengineering can save humanity from climate catastrophe
  • Who’s afraid of AI? Fear and promise in the age of robots and thinking machines
  • Augmented Intelligence – How to make better decisions with data and AI
  • Innovation Leaps – Why we should no longer be careful about what we wish for
  • Roboboss – Can we automate management?
  • Ending Aging – Could biotech bring endless life, and if so, who wants to live forever?
  • Crypto Economy – What are Bitcoin, NFT & Co. worth for?

He holds a PhD in Sociology of Technology (on AI-assisted decision-making) and is an Associated Member of the Einstein Center for Digital Future and an Alumni Senior Research Fellow at the Weizenbaum for the Networked Society and the Center for Advanced Internet Studies (CAIS). The trained ARD journalist is also hosting the podcast of the Federal Agency for Disruptive Innovations.

Thomas’ work has been translated into 20 languages and has received numerous publishing awards, including the Axiom Business Book Award 2019 (Gold Medal, Economics), Best Business Book of the Year on Technology and Innovation 2018 (by Strategy+Business), getAbstract International Book Prize 2018, the Herbert Quandt Media Prize, the German Business Book Prize and the ADC Award.

Testimonials to his lectures:

“Dr Thomas Ramge knows like no other how to stick his head so far into the clouds with both feet on the ground that you get dizzy, but still never lose your footing. He is the perfect tour guide on the topics of tomorrow and the day after tomorrow – competent, witty and extremely clever.
Jan Pechmann, Founder & Head of Consulting at BAM! Ready for tomorrow

“I really appreciate Thomas as a speaker because he combines three of the most important ingredients for inspiring speeches/lectures: Expertise, unusualness and high entertainment value. Regardless of the topic – he leaves the beaten track and always stimulates discussion and dialogue. Thomas is a curiosity alarm clock and knows how to give impulses.
Tobias Schlösser, Managing Director of S-Communication Services GmbH

“Dr Thomas Ramge took us into the world of AI with a captivating presentation. His theses, based on incredible expertise, were a valuable basis for an entertaining, controversial panel discussion. Thank you, thank you, thank you and my warmest recommendation for anyone looking for inspiring and surprising impulses to engage with AI.
Konstantin Küttler, Chairman of the General Works Council DB Engineering and Consulting