Expert on Leadership, Motivation & Leading Simple

Boris Grundl is young, sporty and a sunny boy who loves success. He lives life to the full – tennis, diving, skiing and skydiving. He is a border crosser in search of the next kick. One day Boris Grundl jumps off a cliff for the last time in his life…

This is a true success story, a prime example of lived resilience. It begins when Boris Grundl had lost just about everything. 90 percent of his muscles were paralyzed after a fall. Sport, career, relationship, future – lost. Life as he had lived it is over. Instead: Rehab, wheelchair, social welfare. Boris Grundl has almost nothing left. What he has left is a clear-thinking head, ten percent residual muscle and the courage to face up to his excuses.

Boris Grundl Lecture Topics

  • Desire for responsibility: More satisfaction. Mental strength. Better results.
  • Leading Simple – Leading can be so simple
  • Stand up! How to lead yourself – self-responsibility at the highest level.
  • Leading means leading by example, everything else is dressage.
  • The path to becoming an authentic leader
  • Magic of change: How to successfully implement change.
  • Power of language: How to use language winningly.

That’s enough. The heap of misery becomes one of the best wheelchair rugby players in the world, a sought-after leadership expert, a successful entrepreneur, an impressive lecturer, a happy father and husband who lives in Spain and Germany.

Boris Grundl is the expert on mental transformation. As an entrepreneur, he has explored the topics of responsibility and leadership in depth and made them systematically learnable. His thinking and work are condensed into the conscious handling of responsibility. Through his life’s work, he wants to whet people’s appetites for responsibility.

His references confirm his exceptional position among top speakers. No one else is attested such a high level of authenticity and profundity. Those who book him experience the combination of clear messages, very high intensity and liberating humor. Every time. To the point.

Boris Grundl: Answers to people management

The secret of his success: he perfected the art of leading himself and others at the highest level. Numerous top executives trust the academy around Europe’s leadership coach in a wheelchair. He is a sought-after speaker, author and guest lecturer at several universities. His references confirm his exceptional position among top speakers. No one else is attested to such a high level of authenticity and profundity. He speaks plainly, always remaining humorous and getting to the heart of the matter. As a prominent expert, Boris Grundl is a welcome guest and protagonist on television and radio (including ARD, ZDF, WDR, MDR, 3sat, SWR, RBB, FFH).

Boris Grundl coaches executives at the highest level. Numerous large corporations and medium-sized companies in German-speaking countries trust the leadership expert. In top executive coaching, he is 100 percent with his clients and efficiently guides them to themselves by asking meaningful questions. Entrepreneurs, managers and executives thus understand how to develop themselves and their employees.

His clients appreciate his ability to change their perspective, to see the world through the eyes of the other person. In doing so, he is a role model for many people.