Andrew Bryant is a globally recognized self-leadership expert, international speaker and renowned executive coach.

Born in London and currently based in Lisbon, Andrew Bryant has founded businesses in Sydney, Singapore and Dubai, giving him a truly global perspective. He is the founder of Self Leadership International and author of several influential books on leadership, including “Self Leadership: How to Become a More Successful, Efficient, and Effective Leader from the Inside Out” and “The New Leadership Playbook: Being Human Whilst Successfully Delivering Accelerated Results”.

With over 25 years of experience, Andrew Bryant has worked with executives and leadership teams around the world. He began his career as a physiotherapist and expanded his knowledge by studying acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine, NLP, neurosemantics, hypnosis and psychology. This diverse training has given him a deep understanding of how individuals and teams work under pressure and how the mind and body work together to achieve success.

Andrew Bryant’s work on self-leadership has been cited in over 140 research papers and dissertations, and he developed the first Situational Judgment Test on self-leadership, making him one of the most respected voices in the field. This is particularly important because you can’t lead others if you don’t first lead yourself.

Andrew Bryant Lecture topics

  • Driving Accelerated Results through Self-leadership

Andrew introduces his Leadership Accelerator model, which helps participants recognize and overcome their obstacles to achieving results. Participants learn to take responsibility for their results, without excuses. They will recognize and transform limiting thought patterns and understand that you have to lead yourself before you can lead others. In addition, the application of the formula Clear Expectations x Mindset & Motivation x Right Behaviors = Faster Results is taught. Finally, self-leadership is presented as a modern form of stoicism to build resilience and adaptability.

Bryant’s approach emphasizes the importance of self-awareness, self-learning and self-regulation as core competencies of effective leadership.

Through his work with disruptive business innovation and innovative solutions, Andrew Bryant has proven that effective leadership is based on conversations, both one-to-one conversations and one-to-many conversations. He believes that self-leadership is the practice of consciously influencing one’s own thoughts, feelings and actions towards one’s own goals. Self-leadership means taking responsibility for your own results without blaming others or making excuses. This can be challenging, but a self-leader sees options and seizes opportunities when others are waiting to be rescued.

Andrew Bryant is also a master storyteller whose talks are informed by his experiences and the reflections on those experiences so that the audience feels a human connection and says to themselves, “That’s me.”