Axel Liebetrau’s guiding theme: “Futurize your Business – before someone else does it for you”.
Current topics such as the war in Europe or the Corona pandemic, but also the permanent topics such as digitalization or new work do not make leadership and business easy. It feels like it has never been so difficult and we have never had so much to do. But now we have to look ahead! What exactly does this mean for us as leaders and entrepreneurs? What should we do now to survive the crises and challenges largely unscathed and to quickly regain momentum?
Axel Liebetrau Lecture topics
- Innovations instead of prohibitions – Technologies for a future worth living in
- FUTURE TECH – Technologies for a livable and sustainable future
- The new rules of the future: Innovation x Impulses x Implementation
- Futurize your Mindset: Silicon Valley meets German Engineering
- Next Generation Banking: Customer Value and Service first
Axel Liebetrau: “Managers have to be forward thinkers. They must be able to communicate where the journey is headed in the future, otherwise they will become mere administrators.”
Future fitness of companies and people is his passion. This is not about presenting exactly what the future holds for us. Rather, it is about showing possible paths and alternatives for the employee and the company. The new “supreme discipline” is to maintain an overview and orientation, to recognize changed customer behavior and new technologies at an early stage, and to quickly turn these into viable solutions.
As a futurist and innovation expert, Axel Liebetrau brings valuable experience with starting “completely” new projects and tasks.
In innovation and future projects, creative and sometimes somewhat “crazy” approaches are used to motivate employees. A different mindset of the employees is developed: How employees think the project bigger, how employees strive for the maximum, or how employees keep questioning things and then keep doing something better. How to get employees and entire project teams excited about new things can be seen as a kind of art, but it’s not a “secret science.”
No matter if you are an event planner or a company looking for a top speaker for your customer or employee event: With Axel Liebetrau, you have an experienced keynote speaker at your event, whose name stands for the future, trends and innovations. Your participants will be the center of attention! Axel Liebetrau’s presentations are individual, customer-centered, motivating and inspiring. His impulses inspire and invite you to see new horizons. He calls for a change of perspective and encourages entrepreneurial optimism.
Liebetrau: “You won’t define new rules of the game with an orientation to the average.”
Axel Liebetrau is the first futurist in the German-speaking world to receive the CSP 2019. The CSP Certified Speaking Professional is the most internationally and globally recognized award for keynote speakers currently awarded by the American National Speaker Association (NSA).
Axel Liebetrau – Innovations and technologies vs. abandonments and prohibitions.
Climate change and doomsday mood are the top topics in the media and in discussions at the regulars’ table. Far too quickly, the call for consumption renunciation, for prohibitions and restrictions comes up. Too little is said about innovations and technologies that can slow down and perhaps reverse climate change.