Expert on positive Communication, Mindset, Sales & Teamwork

Dani Nieth is an expert in positive communication, personal responsibility, changing perspectives and inner motivation. Anyone who experiences Dani Nieth live is fascinated by his vivid behavioral examples and conclusions and can apply them successfully in practice.

Dani Nieth began his career as a journalist in 1992 as a radio presenter. This was followed by a classic TV career, which culminated in his role as chief editor and talk host of the daily live talk show KlarText on RTL/ProSieben Switzerland.

Dani Nieth has been working as a guest lecturer at various institutes and universities and as an independent communications trainer for various companies in Switzerland and abroad since 1996. His entertaining, anecdotal, razor-sharp and practice-oriented presentations win over audiences with lasting effect.

Dani Nieth’s three top presentations

  • Future – no future?
  • Whining? No thanks!
  • Break the pattern!

Incompetent politicians, a sluggish economy, unpredictable weather, too much traffic, a ruined environment, mobile depression: there is so much complaining that you can hardly hear it any more and certainly don’t want to! In passionate talks and sustainable seminars, the trilingual bestselling author shows that whining and complaining is bad for your health, makes you lonely and ultimately costs you a lot of money.

Future – no future?

The world seems to be upside down – but that doesn’t mean we have to bury our heads in the sand! In my one-hour talk, I share 10 powerful tips on how we can find our bearings in the midst of the current chaos, remain capable of action and look to the future with courage. Be inspired by how small steps and clear perspectives can bring about big changes. Discover how to strengthen resilience and create a fulfilling life despite uncertainties. A talk full of clarity, motivation and practical ideas!

Complaining? No thanks!

We live in a society of complainers because the current state is constantly compared with the target state. Over time, complainers only see injustice and continue to complain incessantly: complaining is easier than changing the current situation yourself. Remember: if you moan, you are shirking responsibility! Complaining is bad for your health because you become bitter and lonely over time. Who wants to be with someone who is constantly complaining, dissatisfied or envious? In addition, bitterness acts like a protective shield that no longer allows positive thoughts and experiences.

It’s a downward spiral. You can’t change fate, but you can change your own attitude to it! If you stop complaining, you will live and work more productively, more relaxed and more enjoyably – ergo better. After all, challenges can also be a source of motivation. Nobody forces us to do a certain job or to be particularly friendly to anyone. It’s all just a question of the consequences. Whiners shy away from these and prefer to choke their way through life in the role of victim. After this lecture, that’s over!

Breaking patterns

In stressful situations, it’s often not just others who get on our nerves; our ingrained patterns can also exacerbate our anger: When arguing with the other person, we leave the room in a huff and slam the door instead of looking for a constructive solution. When we are criticized, we put our heads down or react with a counterattack. Saying “I’m just the way I am!” won’t get you anywhere in such moments, on the contrary. But we can decide how we react in certain situations. Breaking patterns is difficult and requires awareness as well as the will to build new habits.

Learn where and when behavioral patterns arise and how to break through them profitably. Find out at what point in life people are responsible for themselves and there are no more excuses. This will help you to develop new, positive convictions and get rid of old baggage.

Dani Nieth: “Complaining endangers your health” – The lecture is electrifying, holds a mirror up to your nose and gives you a loving kick up the backside. Change your patterns and start living a life worth living without complaining.

Dani Nieth has been working as a lecturer at various universities and as an independent sales and presentation trainer for various companies at home and abroad for over 20 years and is on stage both as a presenter and speaker with one goal: not to bore himself or the audience.

Dani Nieth speaks with a great deal of enthusiasm, empathy, provocation and spontaneity – a mixture that takes the edge off even serious topics.

Oliver Stoldt' opinion on Dani Nieth
Dani Nieth is a master of positive communication. Not always nice with his statements, but clear and concise. “Stop whining and get off your butt...” Dani Nieth shows how individuals and teams can work more easily and be more successful through positive communication, the right mindset and clarity in their statements. Book Dani Nieth with the Premium Speakers Bureau.