“Florian Lanzer confronts the complex challenges of today’s world with simplicity.”

Florian Lanzer is a renowned strategy and innovation expert who addresses the complex challenges of today’s world with refreshing simplicity and strategic clarity. His inspiring speeches not only convey theoretical knowledge but are also based on his extensive practical experience in advising renowned clients from the Dax, Fortune 500, medium-sized companies and politics.

As a partner at the management consultancy venture.idea, he deals daily with the challenges companies face in the areas of strategy and innovation. He challenges existing thought patterns, helps leaders develop their capabilities, and actively prepares organizations for change.

Florian Lanzer presentation topics

The Key to Future-Proofing Your Business – Exploring the Power of Dynamic Stability

  • Overview of the shift from efficiency to agility
  • Classification of different types of organizations
  • Examples of Agile Organizations

For decades, organizations could be optimized to use and extend their existing competitive advantages as efficiently as possible. However, in times of accelerating change, these organizations must suddenly be able to adapt faster and faster. This talk will show you what new organizational forms look like, why dynamic stability is not a contradiction in terms, and how to get there, using numerous examples, models from research, and anecdotes from business practice.

Encourage innovation rather than demand it: Innovation Leadership in Established Firms

  • The role of leaders in innovation
  • Overview of leadership styles
  • Principles of innovation leadership
  • Examples of agile leaders with high innovation performance

While most companies want to be innovative, very few succeed in doing so in a sustainable way. Too often it seems to be up to the managers – but they are just doing their job. This presentation will show what adjustments can be made to enable innovation leadership – and how agile leaders can sustainably increase innovation success.

Successfully navigating the crisis – Strategy in times from Corona to the energy crisis

  • Recognizing opportunities: Crises in the last century
  • Crisis as a catalyst for success
  • Developing strategies in times of crisis
  • After the crisis is before the crisis – Resilience as a success factor

Corona, Ukraine, energy, geopolitics, climate change… This presentation sheds light on how companies can deal with an increasing number of overlapping crises and shows that attack – if well thought out – is often the best defense. Drawing on surprising research and real-world examples, it will provide the key tools for successful pre- and post-crisis strategy development.

Good job! Succeeding in the new world of work.

  • Answers to the war for talent: New ways of working for a new world of work.
  • Down with the foosball table: What new work really means.
  • The win-win situation: The link between good jobs and economic performance

For 71% of Germans, work means “doing things by the book. 14% have even quit. This is neither a sign of a fulfilled life nor of untapped economic potential.  Based on informative studies and practical impulses, this presentation shows: There is another way. We will challenge common beliefs about the world of work today and take a look at the world of work tomorrow. From the question of whether good grades are necessary to be a good employee, to the differences between Generation Z and previous generations, to the potential impact of artificial intelligence on our workplaces.

In addition to his work as a consultant, he shares his in-depth, field-tested expertise as an author, lecturer and co-director of the Center for Corporate Innovation at the Management Institut St. Gallen (SGMI) and is a sought-after speaker on the topics of strategy, innovation, agility, resilience and corporate venturing.

Florian Lanzer manages to approach complex strategy and innovation topics in a refreshing and sometimes tongue-in-cheek manner without losing any of the substance. In his inspiring presentations, he teaches his audience in a practical way how to develop efficient innovations, design agile strategies and successfully navigate through times of crisis. In doing so, he inspires audiences to question familiar thought patterns and set new impulses for an ever-changing business world.