Oliver Ratajczak sharpens the focus on what really matters: Satisfied employees working together across departments to achieve a common goal: Profitable customer relationships.
How does a chemist end up in management consulting? During his doctorate, Oliver Ratajczak researched tiny details as a chemist. Small details that, in the overall context, can bring about major, positive changes. And it is precisely these powerful adjusting screws that he transports into the practice of companies today.
Fascinated by IT-driven optimization and its practical applicability, he took over responsibility for operational CRM in the largest Finnish-Swedish IT consultancy after completing his doctorate. Here his enthusiasm for the design of structured and yet emotionally appealing customer relationships grew. After a total of 12 years in various management consultancies, he started his own business in 2011 as a management consultant for profitable customer relationships.
Speaking topics Oliver Ratajczak
From the dull customer relationship to a love story with a happy ending! Lecture Topic: Customer Relationships and Regular Customer Management
Between sales figures and year-end targets, the customer can sometimes get short shrift in a company. But wait a minute: Wasn’t he the one who was lured in with a lot of marketing budget and is supposed to make sure that the lights stay on in the company? Wasn’t he supposed to be the linchpin of all our efforts? And shouldn’t the company’s employees also be interested in turning every disdainful customer relationship into a profitable love story in order to secure their own jobs?
In this keynote, Dr. Oliver Ratajczak explains along the entire customer lifecycle the connections between marketing, sales, customer experience, product delight and your repeat customers. Be inspired by the holistic view of your customer life cycle and take away numerous suggestions for your everyday work. Because every customer who is not turned into an enthusiastic regular customer has to be won over again like a completely unknown new customer with a large marketing and sales budget. A rousing lecture with an after-effect…
Finally Friday! Recognize and treat productivity killers. Lecture topic: collaboration and productivity
“Friday at last!” How often is this text sent out into the world with colorful pictures. But this does not improve poor communication, unspoken problems or useless workflows in the company. This often has serious consequences for employee motivation and, last but not least, customer relations suffer as well! Based on numerous practical examples, Dr. Oliver Ratajczak sharpens the view for possible stumbling blocks of internal cooperation and shows ways for more satisfaction and productivity.
Totally digital! With heart and brain to profitable customer relationships. Lecture topic: Digitalization
The possibilities of digitalization are often seen as the savior of profitable customer relationships. But the best technology is of no use if it is not used sensibly and purposefully. And with heart and brain. In this keynote presentation, Dr. Oliver Ratajczak talks about the reasons for the failure of many digitization efforts and the opportunities for winning the hearts of customers with lasting charm.
Customer communication for advanced learners. Lecture topic: Customer communication
The good news is that the colorful bouquet of examples of customer communication gone wrong is really good for a laugh. You might even think the examples were made up. But far from it. Good communication with the customer is sometimes so banal that it is often no longer given any attention at all. With fatal consequences, which on the one hand lead to hearty laughs, but on the other hand also show how negatively the lack of attention can affect the economic interests of a company. In this lecture, you will look at your company, your competitors or best-practice examples from other industries through the customer’s lens and get inspiration for your daily work. Because: Coherent customer communication leads to profitable customer relationships in the long term!
Talking straight! Do’s and Don’ts of successful projects. Lecture Topic: Project Management and Change Management
More than once Dr. Oliver Ratajczak was assigned as project fire department for already running projects. In doing so, it was always a matter of “saving what could still be saved”. In doing so, he has found that there is usually a single, missing word that connects project disasters. In this lecture he takes you into the complex project world and shows different starting points for goal achievement and project success. Using practical examples, it quickly becomes clear what really matters in project management. A lecture with valuable practical tips to prevent your project from going down in project management history as an unfinished project disaster.
Turning sh.. into gold. This is how it works! Lecture topic: Complaint management
Forgive the admittedly somewhat provocative title. But the fact is that complaints don’t have a particularly good reputation and are considered unsexy, annoying and just plain annoying. Yet they’re a goldmine for straightening out tarnished customer relationships. And much more. Because often a single complaint is representative of other dissatisfied customers who have not (yet) filed a complaint. In this impulse lecture, Dr. Oliver Ratajczak uses entertaining anecdotes from practice to encourage people to look at complaints through different eyes. And thus to turn the proverbial complaint sh…e into gold….
Communication deluxe! Corporate wikis for smooth customer processes. Presentation topic: Social Intranet / Collaboration & Change Management
Motivation in cross-departmental collaboration and good “togetherness communication” are the basis for smooth customer processes. An inadequate communication culture in the company, on the other hand, can nip any motivation in the bud and thus prevent successful project management as well as impair day-to-day business. Dr. Oliver Ratajczak gives practical tips on how you can simply gain more time in today’s working world to devote to the true reason for the company’s existence: the customer as “money maker”.
A stimulating talk about improving project management, collaboration, knowledge management & motivation with the help of enterprise wikis.
As an entrepreneur & service provider, put on your customer glasses. Are service top?
Oliver Ratajczak advises companies from a wide range of industries at home and abroad – always with a focus on relationships between companies, their employees and their customers.
Oliver Ratajczak has loved getting to the bottom of things since his earliest youth. His grandfather’s research awakened his desire to become a chemist as early as the third grade. In the sixth grade at high school, his fascination with the new digital possibilities was joined by the Commodore C64. In 1993, while studying chemistry, he founded one of the first e-commerce companies in Germany, using various disruptive techniques to radically undercut market-established competitors on price.
His penchant for the practical applicability of what he had learned led him to earn a doctorate in technical chemistry at the Ruhr University in Bochum. He devoted himself to the mathematical optimization of industrial processes. During his parallel studies in business administration, he realized that the best theoretical concepts for corporate management only bear fruit in practice if they are also supported by all teams in the company.