Rainer Peraus – Expert for Disruption and New Future.

With more than 15 years of experience as a business consultant in the area of change and transformation, development of cooperate visions and missions and radical innovation, more than 1,000 lectures, trainings und workshops, Rainer Peraus encourages his audience to think and go beyond the present limits. His experience is a huge asset when making keynote speeches, presentations, articles and publications focusing on creative ways of re-inventing our current thinking.

From the beginning of his career as a speaker in 2005, his main interest is how to deal with disruption and use the upcoming transformation of economy and society. To prepare organizations for this vital step into the field of new possibilities became his mission. In his latest talk “The Future Revolution”, he helps leaders to understand, why it is essential not only to reinvent what we believe about possible future, but also the fundamental different processes to move towards the yet unthinkable.

His joy on stage can be clearly felt, playing with the energies of the audience, acting as a magician at the very edge of reality and thereby expanding it in order to make the unthinkable potential visible. This joy and sense of fun quickly spreads among the participants.

As a speaker he likes to break conventions and thereby opens up necessary and new ways to new horizons. He is a real artist juggling with unthinkable new possibilities.

Rainer Peraus – Speaking Topics

The Future Revolution – How to live and survive the phase of disruption and create new future.

Times are changing. Radically. Social, economical and technological transformation is on its way. Existing concepts could not provide appropriate answers any more. We are right in the middle of the phase of disruption. Therefore, only the renewal of our knowledge and thinking about possible and desirable future can open the unthinkable potentials of the arising new era.

In this speech of Rainer Peraus you will find unexpected answers to all these questions. He identifies joyfully typical dead ends which characterize limited thinking and behavior and demonstrates how companies can liberate themselves.

The management consultant and professional utopist creates hope, gives concrete examples of how the leap into a new future can be happen with ease. As a popular keynote speaker he encourages the audience to positively approach change and venture into the new light-heartedly. The participants experience how to use intuition and reasoning to break through old ways of thinking and expand their horizon. During his speech it becomes clear that future viability is a skill that can be trained thereby ensuring the survival of companies through numerous concrete and practicable examples, ideas and approaches! Rainer Peraus takes you on an exciting journey to a powerful liberation of your potential that is waiting to be exploited!

This speech is a contribution to the transition into a new era in times of difficult questions!

Target audience: This speech is targeted at all entrepreneurs looking for an optimistic view of the future who want to make their employees curious of changes! Every company that wants to actively shape the future should make use of this eloquent and motivating speech.

Lead towards the new future – Strong leadership through the passage of disruption towards renewal

To enable transformation and renewal is the supreme discipline of leadership. Rainer Peraus, helps leaders to improve their management skills for more than 15 years. He shows how managers can become powerful and sensitive pilots of transformation and steer through challenging passages of fundamental renewal of self and organization.

In his speech Rainer Peraus postulates a new future minded leadership culture and offers concrete tips which capabilities are indispensable for managers in order to create an organization oriented towards and open for the future.

A keynote speech by Rainer Peraus is a catalyst to venture beyond the restrictive limits of the past. Through his humorous and at the same time profound way of presenting, Rainer Peraus does not only encourage new ways of thinking. He also motivates leaders to trust in their visionary potential to offer the urgently needed strong leadership towards the new!

Target Audience: This speech is aimed at all managers, who face the challenge of leading their employees through a change process. All entrepreneurs, who want to actively and profitably shape their future will get clear answers in this speech on HOW to accomplish this mission.

Future instead of crisis – Why we have to change the change.

Every day new problems. The multiple crises keep us busy. Exhausting and ineffective. Still the concentration on problem solving obscures the prospects of the future and makes change to unattractive self-denial without results. For still this struggle for solutions determines the sociopolitical discussion and thus prevents the departure into the modern era and the discovery of real new possibilities.

The experienced practitioner and provocative thinker for disruption, change and renewal shows during this humorous talk, why only the reversal of attention opens the potential of renewal. His innovative message and the often astonishing new principles and processes of radical change encourage his listeners to re-evaluate previous concepts of development.

This speech is an irritating, activating and provoking impulse for a wide range of future conferences and meetings around future shift, transitional, environmental and social change topics. As an experienced practitioner and also theorist of change, Rainer Peraus calls into question the common understanding of change concepts.

Target Audience: In this talk Rainer Peraus offers managers, decision-makers and future-developers from various fields like science, politics and economy a surprising and radical change of perspective. The provoking theses are an exceptional and inspiring starting point for redesign of strategies and processes for powerful and enjoyable renewal.