Tech Influencer, Investor, Business Angel, Entrepreneur & Startup Coach, Trendscout, World Traveler

Sophia recognized her interest in computers and computer science at an early age and decided to study electrical engineering at RWTH Aachen University. By the time she successfully completed her master’s degree in business administration with a focus on marketing, sports management and logistics, she had already been familiar with the agency business for several years.

Sophia Tran: Tech influencer & presenter

Sophia published the online lifestyle magazine SMOKEY CATS in 2012.

Her professional stations include the management consultancy Detecon International (Deutsche Telekom), the luxury group LVMH and a business publishing house. She gained experience in the startup sector as an authorized signatory in the co-development of the incubator and accelerator

In 2021, she founded Spotlight! Ventures – the tech company gives startups a stage and accompanies them on their way: From Zero to Hero!

At the same time, she has been in front of the camera in various TV formats such as Abenteuer Leben (Kabel 1), Galileo (ProSieben) and for, presenting the latest trends and innovations in the world. Sophia is also a presenter, speaker and welcome guest at numerous international startup events and conferences, such as WebSummit, START Summit, VivaTech or SLUSH.

She also works as a business angel, loves photography and traveling around the world and is best known as a tech influencer on social networks and through her blog.