Carina Stöttner’s life revolves around tomorrow on a daily basis: as a futurologist, Carina Stöttner is concerned with how our world will be shaped in 10 years’ time.
Together with Themis Foresight, she pursues the mission of inspiring companies with her understanding of the future so that they can seize the opportunities of market-shaping technologies and thus help shape the future of the European and global economy. This business think tank conducts research for and advises companies on a wide range of future issues.
A sociologist and media scientist by choice, Carina lives and works in a wide variety of European cities and has developed a deep understanding of intercultural interaction and how Europe is evolving in a digital era. As a Generation Y, Carina Stöttner has known how to deal with digital worlds since childhood and has a positive attitude towards technological innovations without losing her basic skepticism.
Carina Stöttner sees herself as a generalist and sees this as a clear advantage: as a futurologist, she recognizes the link between different technological innovations and industries. Instead of researching developments in silos, she sees the future as an ecosystem in which each cog can change the overall structure.
“The future can be shaped”
Fear of the unknown and skepticism about change are human. She says: humans tend to perceive negatives more strongly than positives. Carina Stöttner emphasizes how important positive images of the future are in order to show the opportunities of new things. Because without innovation, there is no progress.
Negative future scenarios can have a paralyzing effect: this applies both to new technologies such as AI and to climate transformation. She sees it as her task to free people from their reservations, but not to disregard the risks of new developments.
Carina Stöttner Lecture topics
- The future as an opportunity: Time travel to the year 2035
- Between a shortage of skilled workers and bad decisions: Artificial intelligence in companies
- Climate transformation as an opportunity for the European economy
The future as an opportunity: Time travel to the year 2035
Imagine waking up and it’s the year 2040. So much has changed in recent years. Carina Stöttner, futurologist and co-director of the think tank Themis Foresight, talks about what her team is researching, why her discipline should actually be called “futures” research, and what technological, geopolitical, economic and social developments will shape the next decades. The past shows: the world will never be the same as it is today. Futurology teaches us to remain adaptable and to be prepared as best we can. This presentation will show what we need to prepare for and how business leaders can use future thinking strategically in their own day-to-day business. What will change for your industry in the future?
Between skills shortages and bad decisions: Artificial intelligence in companies
Since the breakthrough of ChatGPT, many have become aware of the potential that artificial intelligence holds. AI-based systems not only make it possible to automate and optimize processes, but also make a not inconsiderable contribution to the shortage of skilled workers. In her presentation, Carina Stöttner will address what opportunities actually lie dormant in artificial intelligence, what stumbling blocks and risks there are for companies, and where new business opportunities arise. She clarifies how AI can be used successfully and, above all, ethically – and what we can learn from the mistakes of large tech corporations in dealing with AI. Along the way, she talks about current and future use cases specifically for business.
Climate transformation as an opportunity for European business
We are at the beginning of a new industrial revolution in which decarbonization is at the center. Technological innovations that are still in their infancy today offer enormous potential for the German economy. From renewable energies to electromobility, from green financing to the circular economy, these changes not only open up new markets, but also the opportunity to secure our society and our prosperity – and thus sustainably shape a peaceful political climate. Climate transformation is more than just a necessity in the fight against climate change; it is an opportunity to remain globally relevant. Join us in shaping the future – for a sustainable and thriving economy.
An excerpt from her speaking engagements:
- Handelsblatt Wasserstoffgipfel 2023
- FIFU – Konferenz Zukunft Familienunternehmen
- Erster Braunschweiger Digitalkongress
- BBA Immobilienakademie – Management-Akademie in Heiligendamm
- Berliner Unternehmerinnen-Tag 2023
- KI in Unternehmen – Future Lab
A reference from the Eberspächer Group, Senior Director Global Talent & Culture Paul Eckert:
Carina held an insightful keynote on AI and the future of HR during our this years’ Global HR Conference “Shaping the Future”. She illuminated the path ahead and sparked a collective drive for positive change in our understanding of technology and its impact on human resources. Her speech inspired our global HR community and laid the foundation for very fruitful work session that followed afterwards. Many thanks, Carina!