Dr. Eva Elisa Schneider is an author, holds a doctorate in psychotherapy and is an expert in mental health in the workplace. As a speaker and trainer, she works with international companies in the field of health management and organisational development.

Dr. Eva Elisa Schneider combines over 10 years of experience in leadership, science and health. As one of the leading voices on mental health in the German-speaking world, she regularly shares insights from her work in her podcast ‘Gesund arbeiten’. Her new book is entitled: ‘Mental Health Matters. Work healthy – live better’.

She is a thought leader, inspiration and makes companies fit for the future. Dr. Eva Elisa Schneider is an ambassador for mental health in the workplace and is committed to a modern work culture that promotes mental health instead of burdening it.

As a manager for many years, she knows the challenges of this role well. She knows how strong the tension between responsibility, strategic decisions and self-care can sometimes be and provides practical tools to give mental health a place in everyday life despite a full diary.

As a well-booked guest at international trade fairs, in the media and at events, she gives mental health a public voice. She provides effective strategies and valuable best practices on how we can work healthier. Dr. Schneider advises well-known organisations on all aspects of mental health, employee management and personnel development. Dr. Schneider is also active as a speaker, lecturer and inspirational trainer.

Eva Elisa Schneider – Lecture topics

  • Burn-out – How to protect yourself from stress and overload

Constant stress and pressure increase the risk of burnout. This can have far-reaching consequences. In this lecture, Dr Schneider reveals the most important early warning signs of burnout and shares effective tools for successful stress management that are suitable for everyday use. She also shows what we can do for ourselves even under the greatest stress and when we should seek professional help.

  • Resilience – navigating safely through stress

Multiple crises and stress have become part of everyday life. How can we train our resilience muscle in these turbulent times to deal better with change? In this keynote speech, Dr Schneider talks about the small and big tricks for finding stability in stormy times and being able to deal effectively with constantly changing challenges.

  • Always on – mental health in the digital world

Due to our constant availability and flood of information, we are exposed to an enormous amount of digital stress in our everyday lives. How do we manage to defy digital distractions and work more productively? In this keynote, Dr Schneider shares concrete tools for more focus and less digital exhaustion and reveals how we can really switch off at the end of the day.

  • Mental load at work – the list that nobody sees

Mental load is not only a burden in our private lives, but also in our professional lives. Things like organising appointments, restocking coffee kitchen utensils or organising farewell gifts are important tasks that hardly anyone sees, but are nevertheless important for the team atmosphere. Why do these hidden tasks so often fall to women? Why can this slow down our careers? This keynote will shed light on how we can reduce mental load at work and establish it as an important pillar of collaboration.

Dr. Eva Elisa Schneider is concentrated expertise, authentic and approachable – this is exactly what makes her an inspiring personality who will be remembered for a long time.