Dr. Clemens Jüttner has experienced a lot in his life! As a longtime paramedic and firefighter he has found himself over and over again in extreme situations, where quick, unquestioning and most of all correct decision-making, communication and action were imperative to save lives. He applies this insight and knowledge on a daily basis in the business world!

Manager and former firefighter

Dr. Clemens Jüttner is a trained paramedic and a businessman with a PhD. He started his management career in marketing research. There he led many national and international projects. At the same time he learned to become a firefighter from the ground up and was the head of operations at a large Hessian volunteer fire department. Since 2006, he has been working for the Sana Kliniken AG, and affiliated subsidiaries, holding different positions within the Management, Purchasing, Sales and Marketing departments. In addition, he took on teaching assignments for sales and negotiation management at the University Bochum and Mannheim.

The F.I.R.E.-Model: Focus – Intuition – Reflect – Ensure results

The F.I.R.E.-Model developed by Dr. Clemens Jüttner supports decision makers in difficult management decisions, and is based on his many years as a paramedic and the fire department’s head of operations. Decisions of rescuers and managers are always difficult to make when:

  • there is not enough information,
  • there are not enough resources,
  • there is not enough time,
  • wrong decisions are associated with high risk,
  • one is under high physical or psychological stress.

Based on Dr. Jüttner’s experience, during his day and night job, he identified four key factors that he brought together in the F.I.R.E.-Model: to focus, use your intuition, reflect and ensure results. The Model helps decision makers improve the quality of their decisions in stressful situations.

For each key factor of the F.I.R.E.-Model, Dr. Jüttner presents some provocative theories that are supported by research results. He engages his audience and lets them actively participate in practical event demonstrations on stage. Mostly though he undermines his theories by using captivating, gripping and engaging examples from fire department and ambulance experiences. That way, his thought-provoking impulses about management and leadership under extreme conditions will remain a lively memory. And one thing is for sure: The audience won’t let anything go up in flames anymore.

Topics of Clemens Jüttner

When the house is on fire – decision-making with the F.I.R.E.-Model

„As a fire chief, I learned to make the right decisions in life-and-death situations even when the situation was unclear. The principles of the F.I.R.E.-Model are extremely helpful for decision makers in everyday management.“

Clemens Jüttner conveys lively how you can improve the quality of decisions when you are confronted with highly unstructured situations, a shortage of information and extreme (time) pressure. By consistently applying the F.I.R.E.-Model you recognize decision traps earlier and avoid them. You will also learn what your individual limit is, to successfully apply your intuition and always have the result of your actions in sight.

Target audience: entrepreneurs, employees, managers and executives

Precarious situations – to master successfully together with your team

„How do you get people to voluntarily and happily get up at 4:30 am to help strangers without getting paid? As a voluntary fire chief I have proven that this is doable – and will prove it is doable for you as well!“

Clemens Jüttner shows you what is really important when you want to be successful under extreme conditions/in extreme situations as a team. That is when the success depends on the competency, the performance, the reliability and the mutual trust of each individual team member. You will learn how to lead your team into a powerful state and to better attain your goals under extreme pressure.

Target audience: entrepreneurs, managers, executives, and employees

Crisis communication – what to do when the fire is blazing?

„Of course, crisis communications starts prior to the crisis – with prevention. However, if the crisis arises anyway, you need a professional who can communicate accurately quickly.“

Clemens Jüttner is a supreme crisis communication manager. As a paramedic and fire chief he learned how to spread calmness and achieve goals in complex situations with high damage potential. As a management expert he makes this knowledge useable for you. Based on captivating examples from his everyday service as a paramedic and fire chief you will learn how to communicate well within your team and how to be successful under pressure.

Target audience: entrepreneurs, managers, executives, and employees.