Silvia Garcia occupies a truly unique space at the intersection of leadership, happiness, neuroscience, and psychology. Sourcing from her experience as Global Director of the Happiness Institute of Coca Cola, she brings to you real life examples on how to increase performance, creativity, trust, wellbeing, and resilience.

Silvia’s uplifting and visually engaging presentations are laced with evidence-based insights, actionable takeaways, and inspiring real-life examples. Her lectures are fun and serious, data driven and enjoyable, interactive, and reflective, well researched and highly relevant.

In her articles for different media, she reveals science-based tips to be better leaders, improve creativity, build trust, navigate change, and use our untapped resources to find more joy, satisfaction and happiness in our lives and our work through things that depend on ourselves. Silvia is the living example of a serving empathic leader whose speeches never leave indifferent and provoke lasting ripples of wellbeing.

Silvia Garcia Lecture topics

  • AI in BUSINESS EVERYDAY – How to bring the possibilities of AI together with human potential to create a better future?

AI will help companies achieve better results, provided they know how to adapt and evolve to maintain the trust of their employees, their customers and their stakeholders. Silvia Garcia will explore the latest Artificial Intelligence advances and cutting-edge research on human potential so that you can use both to forge a better future. She will discuss the specific areas of business where AI can significantly enhance capabilities and the aspects of business where human potential is irreplaceable and essential to success.


It is a client’s favorite that Silvia keeps reinventing to match the audience’s current needs. She has performed versions of this presentation in more than 10 countries – and like few other leadership experts, Silvia captures the intersection between happiness at work and business results. She guides the audience to a better understanding of the competitive advantage that an emotionally safe workplace is and uncovers the seven + 1 ways to increase happiness at work and soar your KPIs. A must for all companies looking to get ahead in the market.


A humanistic and captivating keynote about the science-based possibilities that each of us has to feel happier and fuel our success. Just as we are redefining work, Silvia Garcia discovers how to use resilience tools to recover happiness, and she’s got the toolbox ready for anyone who wants to increase their satisfaction at work, improve their relationships or live a happier life.

  • TEAM-ENGAGEMENT The Power of a positive Team

The world’s largest organizations call in Silvia Garcia to guide them restoring confidence and forwarding progress. Hard times and change make many managers succumb to helplessness, with their teams and clients quickly following. Silvia inspires how to maintain high levels of success and leadership during any challenge.

  • “WHAT DO THEY WANT?” – How to attract and retain Talent

The great resignation is, for better and for worse, a wake-up call for anyone who wants to understand the future of business, politics, culture and of course all things talent. In this keynote the analysis of why most people leaves and how you can retain talent will strike any listener as mind-blowing. In her presentation, Silvia explains the success of Southwest airlines versus Delta, Costco versus Walmart, as she also delivers insight into the eight ingredients that science has found to be the building blocks of the preferred companies to work for.

  • LEADERSHIP – (Re)Buil Trust and Confidence

Trust and job satisfaction are at historic lows. Silvia helps organizations from all horizons reignite by discovering how they can restore confidence and trust. In this mind-blowing talk that takes the audience from the time of the Neanderthals to Silicon Valley, Silvia proves that the way forward is to make everyone feel appreciated and valued for their unique values and contributions to the common goal.

  • MARKETING OF THE FUTURE – The Art and Science of Marketing

Discover the marketing strategy that sets the most valued brands apart. Longtime director of marketing for Coca-Cola, Silvia Garcia has multiple success stories to illustrate how to combine the art and science of marketing. On the verge of business and neuroscience, Silvia will unveil how consumers’ brains react to different types of information and purchase situations.

  • SALES POWER OF TOMORROW – The Art and Science of Selling

It is a must for all those looking for science-based tools and tips to sell more. Discover the unsuspected purchase reactions resulting from emotions such as fear, anxiety, desire, or security, and how to earn customers’ trust and serve them better. This engaging speech will take us from the “trees to the shopping mall”. Silvia will share with the audience a proprietary emotional map to provide participants with the best ways to overpass the subconscious barriers that prevent many people from finalizing their purchase.

Silvia Garcia is a worldwide expert on positive leadership and happiness at work. Highly demanded all around the world, her speeches have been said to change “lives and companies”.

Her clients range from organizations such as the World Business Forum, AXA, Lilly, or Google to local businesses. Whether your objectives are related to your organization’s vision and culture, or to boosting your bottom line results, Silvia will be eye-opening on how the science of happiness can help you or your organization become more profitable, happier and successful.