Ronia Schiftan is a psychologist MSc, nutrition and media psychologist and expert on the connections between health, society, digitalisation and psychology.
In her presentations, Ronia Schiftan pays particular attention to the influence of social media on our eating habits and psyche, especially those of Generation Z and Alpha. She analyses the significance of social trends and developments and examines their impact on human behaviour.
Her lectures and workshops are characterised by a particular topicality, as we are all exposed to negative environmental influences and stress. And with increasing frequency. Ronia Schiftan focuses just as intensively on social media and their propagated ideals as she does on our preferred body image in this virtual reality. How, where and what do we eat? As a nutritional psychologist, she delves deep into the subject matter, critically examines the problem and explains the connection between stress behaviour and eating habits in an understandable way.
Ronia Schiftan Lecture topics
- Mental health of Generation Z and Alpha
According to a 2021 Unicef study, more than a third of all young people in Switzerland are affected by mental health problems. The pressure and psychological strain in Generation Z and Alpha are enormous, because it’s not just the performance requirements at school and the difficult time of growing up. They have anxiety, are exhausted and no longer feel up to the pressure of school and training. As a result, they are increasingly dropping out of education, which ultimately has economic consequences for us all. The shortage of skilled labour is already omnipresent.
Social networks provide a platform for influencers who act as new authorities in the field of nutrition. Through their posts and stories, they not only influence the eating habits of their followers, but also set trends that are imitated worldwide. At the same time, they emphasise the importance of a positive body image, which is promoted through realistic portrayals and healthy lifestyles. The web is full of “how they should be”. This causes great stress. This presentation by Ronia Schiftan shows what motivates Generation Z and Alpha and what their needs are. She sheds light on risks and opportunities, but also on trends and possible developments among young people.
- Eating under stress: the influence of work stress on our diet
Work stress can have a profound impact on our eating behaviour, often without us consciously realising it. Anxiety, pressure and stress are not only psychological burdens, but can also manifest themselves in physical symptoms. Health psychology researches how these conditions affect our well-being and offers strategies for dealing with them.
Experts in health psychology develop methods that help to recognise and modify stress-related eating habits. They use a range of techniques, from mindfulness training to behavioural adjustments, to break unhealthy patterns and promote mental balance. In this lecture, Ronia Schiftan shows how stress can influence eating behaviour and how you can take targeted countermeasures.
- Pixels, posts and portions: The intersection of digitalisation and dietetics
In today’s world, digital platforms are increasingly shaping our ideas about nutrition and health. From Instagrammable meals to viral food trends, social media is having a significant impact on how we think about food and what diets we try. This development brings both opportunities and challenges.
Ronia Schiftan is committed to critically questioning what messages we take in and how they influence our behaviour. By using the digital world as an information resource, we can develop a more conscious and healthier relationship with our diet.
- Food in the workplace: How nutrition shapes corporate culture
Implementing a workplace health promotion programme that focuses on nutrition can lead to higher productivity, fewer sick days and an improved working environment. A diet that is both balanced and enjoyable has a positive impact on the physical health, mental performance and general well-being of employees.
In her presentation, Ronia Schiftan sheds light on the psychological aspects of nutrition as well as the influence of social media and food marketing on eating habits. She will provide specific practical examples of how companies can successfully integrate healthy eating concepts into everyday working life. These measures not only contribute to an increase in well-being, but also to general satisfaction. There are also other aspects: psychological safety and a positive organisational culture promote employer branding. Satisfied employees therefore mean a more attractive employer.
More about Ronia Schiftan:
Ronia Schiftan, MSc in Applied Psychology and Expert in Nutritional Psychology ZEP, is a freelance psychologist and co-owner of Externas GmbH. She brings her expertise in work, organisational, media and nutritional psychology to support various clients from both the healthcare sector and the private sector.
She also teaches as a freelance lecturer in the fields of occupational health management (OHM), nutrition and media psychology at several universities. Her current research focuses on topics such as the influence of social media on health behaviour, the investigation of complex eating behaviour patterns in children and adults and the mental health of Generation Z.
Ronia Schiftan is committed to raising awareness of these issues through podcasts, active media work and regular lectures and workshops. She also offers counselling on health psychology issues in her practice in Bern.