Jyoti Guptara is a bestselling author and Business Storytelling expert. A global speaker and advisor on narrative strategy, Jyoti has helped organisations and leaders on five continents to use Storytelling for more success with less stress.

His bestseller ‘Business Storytelling from Hype to Hack: Unlock the Software of the Mind’ has been praised by the past president of IMD Business School and the CEO of the world’s largest company by number of employees.

Despite his first career as a novelist, Jyoti did not appreciate the value of storytelling in business until he was a Fellow at a United Nations partner organisation. There, he realised that some of the best content came after and between presentations, informally – when people told stories. Jyoti was quickly able to apply his decade of experience with fiction to executive education, helping business leaders find and tell stories to communicate their vision, inspire their teams, and drive organizational change.

Jyoti Guptara Lecture topics

Business storytelling for purpose, persuasion and profit. Jyoti Guptara lectures on all aspects of leadership performance and creativity through the lens of stories:

  • How stories hack common business challenges
  • Strategy Storytelling: make strategic changes click and stick
  • Organizational Storytelling: corporate communications that build bridges not walls
  • Boost sales with Story-Branding and Story-Selling
  • Immersive Storytelling: merging humanity’s oldest and newest communications technologies (Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, Metaverse)
  • Executive Storytelling and Leadership Talks

How do you engage and persuade everyone in your business ecosystem? Savvy executives know storytelling is the answer – but their MBA didn’t teach them how to tell stories people want to hear. Jyoti helps executives deepen relationships with stakeholders and take winning teams to the next level.

Strategy is story. Leaders are storytellers.

  • Transformational Storytelling to Implement Strategy and Change

The vast majority of change initiatives fail. The right story will help you communicate strategic change so that it is understood and embraced. While many leaders are discovering the power of storytelling, most storytelling efforts are personal and random. They don’t align people. When organisations systematise their storytelling, they can scale their influence, internally and externally.

Change the stories, change the culture.

  • Organizational Storytelling: corporate communications that build bridges not walls

Solve complex challenges with simple stories. Replace apathy and uncertainty with clarity and connection. Most organizations waste countless hours with constant rewriting and coordinating, despite outsourcing to expensive agencies. Instead, reliable messaging frameworks can replicate your Organisational DNA across departments, saving you immeasurable resources, time and nerves. Find out why stories are a manager’s best friend.

  • Story-selling: convert Browsers into Buyers

Be noticed in a noisy world. Quickly establish trust and build rapport. The best sellers are storytellers: they use stories to establish credibility, demonstrate value, increase perceived value, and model the sale. Best of all, storytelling makes people feel great about selling. Because they can collaborate rather than confront.

Facts tell, stories sell.

  • VR + Storytelling = Immersive Message

Immersive storytelling merges humanity’s oldest and newest communications technologies for innovative recruiting, onboarding and brand gamification. Wearing his hat as Head of Story at Aumivi – the real-world metaverse, Jyoti shares how some of the world’s most innovative brands are pioneering the future of work and brand engagement with technology-empowered storytelling.

  • Beyond the Hype: Storytelling is your Business Superpower!

The pareto principle says 80% of results come from 20% of causes. Storytelling is the pareto principle of influence. Stories engage people wholistically. This makes storytelling a ‘hack’ for common business challenges. From informal meetings to public speaking: our ability to get ahead stands and falls with our ability to be heard, understood, and believed.

More about Jyoti Guptara:

Jyoti heads the Ambassadors program at The Global Peter Drucker Forum, where he is a frequent contributor. There he converses with the world’s leading managers and management thinkers. A creative thinker and communicator, he is Head of Story for Aumivi – ‘the real world metaverse’, a VR brand gamification company.

He has worked with agencies, startups, SMEs, and international conglomerates. He has also worked with leading universities such as Cornell, ETH Zürich, and the University of St. Gallen (HSG), mentoring deep tech startup founders, Executive MBA students, and post-docs.

Jyoti has been widely featured by the media including ARD, Al Jazeera, BBC, Business Standard, Coopzeitung, 20 Minuten, FOX, Gulf News, India Today, SRF, Tages Anzeiger, MTV Voices and the Times of India. He has written for Arabian Business, Best Practice, the Business Graduates Association, E&, the Royal Society of Literature, and The Wall Street Journal.

Oliver Stoldt' opinion on Jyoti Guptara
Anyone can talk. But Jyoti Guptara perfects his speeches with outstanding storytelling. "At the end, you remember only the story". In his talks and workshops, Jyoti Guptara talks about business storytelling, how to make strategic change tangible and how to lead better with visual stories. Book Jyoti Guptara for keynotes and workshops with Premium Speakers.