
Premium Speakers presents exciting speakers and experts on the topic of globalization. Globalization – the term describes the growing integration and increasingly denser networks linking individual countries and their structures. The degree of integration is growing steadily on all levels; in business, politics, culture and communication. The main drivers of globalization are technical progress on the one hand, and an increasing desire for greater cooperation in various areas on the other. Technical progress has driven globalization above all by constantly expanding our options and means of communication. Modern telecommunications, digitalization, global trade and the internet have opened up opportunities for international (and inter-continental) cooperation that were simply unthinkable just a few decades ago. In an increasingly interlinked world, politicians are called upon to find new answers and develop new geopolitical strategies in order to respond effectively to current events. Topical issues such as South and North Korea, the Syria conflict or the Ukraine-Russia war illustrate how the world is constantly in flux and how politicians must react to ensure a secure and stable global future. The developments in Europe are key to world stability and a secure future. Find handpicked speakers on politics, globalization and Europe here. Please get in touch with us for further guest speakers, keynote speakers and experts on these topics.

Popular speakers

Dr. Gerhard Conrad

International Cooperation, Conflict Resolution & Political Leadership

Joseph E. Stiglitz

Winner of the 2001 Nobel Prize for Economics

Julius van de Laar

US-Expert: Expert as Campaign and Strategy Consultant

Ulrich Tilgner

Experte in the Middle East, TV-Journalist

Thomas Borer

Business Consultant & Former Swiss Ambassador in Berlin, Germany

Reto Lipp

Economy Expert, Moderator

Dr. Erich Vad

Brigadier-General (ret.), University Teacher, Publicist and Management Consultant

Anja Förster

Expert in Innovation, Management & Change

Christian Lindner

Federal Minister of Finance Germany

Marina Cvetkovic

Global Leadership-Expert

Victoria Riess

Thought Leader for Corporate Strategy, Expert in Digital Transformation & Cybersecurity, Top Women Leader in Tech

Edgar Perez

Global Expert on Innovation, Artificial Intelligence & Disruptive Technologies

All speakers

Isabel Aguilera

President of GE Spain & Portugal and CEO of Google Iberia (2005-2008), one of the top 50 most influential executives in the world according to Fortune Magazine.

Natalie Amiri

Journalist, Moderator ARD-Weltspiegel, Expert on Iran & Orient, Author

Andreas Arnemann

Cyber Crime, Internet Security

Ali Aslan

Internationally known TV & conference presenter

Sibylle Barden-Fürchtenicht

Author, SDG and ESG Strategist, Board Member

José Manuel Barroso

President of the European Commission (2004-2014)

Carina Bastuck

Presenter, Speaker, Coach

Kehkashan Basu

Eco-warrior, Youth Ambassador for the World Future Council, Founder President of Green Hope, United Nations Human Rights Champion

David Beckham

One of the Most Famous Footballers in the World

John Bercow

157th Speaker of the House of Commons (2009-2019)

Michael Bergdahl

Turnaround-Expert & Author

Fatima Bhutto

Journalist, Author, Young Global Leader

Peter Bofinger

Economist, Member of German Council of Economic Experts (2004-2019)

Thomas Borer

Business Consultant & Former Swiss Ambassador in Berlin, Germany

Caroline Bosbach

Federal Chairwoman of the Young Economic Council of Germany, Politician & Author

Wolfgang Bosbach

Member of the German Bundestag 1994 - 2017, Lawyer, a brilliant Speaker & Analyst

David Bosshart

Chairman of the Board G. & A. Duttweiler Foundation, Trendanalyst & Sought Thinker

Nick Bostrom

Director of the Future of Humanity Institute Oxford University

Josef Braml

Expert on the USA, Geopolitics & Geo-Economics

Felix Brill

Member of the management team at VP Bank GroupEntrepreneur, Economist, Financial markets expert