Digital Natives & Generation XYZ, Millennials & Alpha

Keynote speakers & Experts on Digital Natives, Generation XYZ, Millennials & Alpha

Digital natives, or: “There’s an app for everything…” Digital natives are people who have grown up with digital technologies such as computers, the internet and mobile phones. They have a high affinity for social media, smartphones and the internet. They are adaptive, tech-savvy and have high expectations in terms of flexibility and work-life balance.

Speakers and experts also refer to digital natives as Generation Y or millennials in their presentations. Digital natives make their office work easier with tablets, use Siri as a household helper and use social media to arrange romantic dinner dates in the evening.

Premium Speakers presents exciting speakers on the topics of Digital Native & Generation XYZ & Gen Alpha.

Millennials, also known as Generation Y, are the first generation to come of age in the digital age. They are tech-savvy, but also attach great importance to personal development and meaningfulness in their work. They strive for a balance between their professional and personal lives and are known for their mobility and willingness to explore new career opportunities.

Generation Alpha, born from 2010 onwards, is growing up in an even more connected world. This generation is likely to be characterised by technologies such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality and robotics. They will grow up in a time of constant change and develop new ways of learning and working.

Different generations will bring unique values and skills to the world of work. To capitalise on this diversity, it is crucial to create a work environment that fosters respect, understanding and collaboration. This allows companies to capitalise on the strengths of each generation and develop an innovative, productive and harmonious work culture.

Generational diversity refers to the presence of multiple generations in a work environment or organisation. This diversity brings with it different perspectives, skills and experiences, which presents both challenges and opportunities.

You can find out more about this in the presentations and workshops organised by our keynote speaker.

Popular speakers

Tristan Horx

Futurologist & Trend Analyst

Edith Karl

Speaker, consultant & coach for change processes in companies

Florian Astor

Extreme - Hiker, Founder of Digital Startup, Entrepreneur, Change-Maker

Julia Reichert

Author, Presenter & Communications specialist

Kathi Wörndl

Expert Digital Communikation, (Female) Leadership, CEO-Communication & Personal Branding

Cédric Bollag

Aspiring venture capitalist and an expert in the Swiss and Israeli startup scene

Livia Schröder

Entrepreneur of Generation Z

Simon Schnetzer

Youth Researcher, Speaker, Trainer

Jörn Kamphuis

TV-Moderator, Mister Germany 2013, Entrepreneur

Chester Elton

Leadership, Managing Change & High Performance Teams

Luca Emilio Wilms

International Affairs & USA, Expert on generation Z

Sven Jungmann

Doctor, Entrepreneur, Physician & Digital Health Expert

All speakers

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Lothar Abicht

Futurist, Scientist & Expert for Futurology and Education research

Florian Astor

Extreme - Hiker, Founder of Digital Startup, Entrepreneur, Change-Maker

Peter Baumgartner

Expert in Leadership & Motivation

Jacob Beautemps

Science YouTuber and Researcher

Jan Bechler

Successful online entrepreneur and founder from Hamburg, Germany

Felix Behm

Expert Generation Z & Book author

Martin Bell

Thought Leader, Company Builder & Global Startup Advisor

Florian Bernschneider

SME Expert, New Work thought leader and Political Expert

Cédric Bollag

Aspiring venture capitalist and an expert in the Swiss and Israeli startup scene

Caroline Bosbach

Federal Chairwoman of the Young Economic Council of Germany, Politician & Author

Dr. Matthias Brendel

AI & Sustainability Entrepreneur, Innovator, Leadership expert in Corporate & Startup world

Nena Brockhaus

Business Journalist & Political Expert

Gib Bulloch

Social Intrapreneur, Corporate Insurgent, Author and Storyteller

Dr. Steffi Burkhart

Expert New Work, Gen Y, Z & Gen Alpha, Change & Talent Management

Johnny Earle AKA. Johnny Cupcakes

America’s #1 young entrepreneur, founder of Johnny Cupcakes

Dietmar Dahmen

Rock Star on Stage - Disrupter, Gamechanger, Innovator & Motivator

Sebastian Decker

Expert in Online-Marketing & Digital Sales-Strategies - Google Future Lab

Jeremy Denisty

Co-founder @ Imagin3 Studio, Author & Digital Innovation Advisor

Fritz Dickamp

Hospitality Enthusiast, Digital Marketing Expert, Entrepreneur, Coach & Keynote-Speaker, visiting Professor at various European Hospitality universities, Podcast-Host @ Smack Hospitality, Co-Founder & Managing Director @ Studio 49

Reinhard Dischner

Expert on Leadership, Branding, Execution & Corporate Management